Click "watch how to play" and you'll see what I'm talking about.
After Jesse Schell
opened the door for this I suppose it was only a matter of time before it actually happened, but still.
To be honest, I'm impressed with the implementation-- iPhones and its ilk are perfectly suited to this kind of thing-- but this terrifies me. Achievements getting you to do a bunch of stupid shit you probably weren't going to do are bad enough in video games, but now that they're crossing the threshold into daily life I worry about the societal ramifications should their use become widespread. "oh boy, if i take pictures of my fat face eating this hamburger in 4 different locations, I'll get 50% off the next one!"
Talk amongst yourselves, I'm interested to hear other people's opinions on this.
I only need another 2000032042384032842348234823043 points for that
By brilliant I mean; terrible.
By terrible I mean; it's only a fantastic idea if the prizes are real world too.
e.g. If I get a supreme achievement I expect a real trophy, or a brazilian supermodel for a night of high score action.
or maybe they are a fun metagame that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
plus a force close message pops up quite often, but it isnt the program itself... so its force closing something else and I have no idea what it is
edit: ok the force close message constantly pops up now even when I dont have this app open... uninstalling fixed it
Just for the record, I like the idea of this. Could be enough motivation needed for social retards who have a achievers gaming mentality to get out there and do stuff...
Plus I actually prefer if life were more like a game anyway, its more fun
However: im assuming that the cashier etc at wherever you are for your challenges will know about these rewards some how?
Yeah i enjoy knifing 5 people in counterstrike source but i enjoy it even a little more
when a bliiiiing achievement pops up without expecting it.
I for one applaud achievments. They have shown me shit i'd never see , given me new ways to do stuff that i'd never do and surprised me with awesomeness when you stumble upon a totally random hidden one.
--ohshit. MY LEG!
Reminds me of an article I read at about the security of personal data when using some Android phone apps.