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Character Model - Xamd of Lost Memories

Hey guys. This is a "next gen" model i've made for class and just recently finished. Its Akiyuki from the anime series Bounen no Xamdou or Xamd of Lost memories. Its Akiyuki in his xamd form. Here's a screen of the character.


The base mesh was something that took me quite a while since the character is very stylized. Some shapes were completely off or just hard to replicate in 3d. Any how, after that was done I took it in to zbrush and added the musculature and some finer detail. This is what i ended up with:


It was actually my very first character in zbrush but i think i did OK. :) I had to use an anatomy book for reference of all the muscles and such, and obviously had to "interpret" a lot of that on to the character.
After that was done (took me a few days to nail down) I went on to do the low poly mesh. Heres a wireframe of the model.


I actually had to do this from scratch, since the mesh I used for the zbrush sculpt had no animation loops and had none of the detail that made it in the final model. The final polycount is 9000 polys. I finaly used this mesh to bake the normal map and the ambient occlusion using Xnormal. A very nice app. Here are the final maps; difuse, normal and specular:


And here is a screenshot of the model inside of UDK:


Critiques are more than welcome. In the end i wasn't not to happy at how the model turned out, if I have to be honest. I'm sure that making an "anime" character in a next gen style is not the best way of approaching it. Most of the anime characters I've seen don't really use normal maps since they are mostly self illuminated, while all the detail comes from the difuse map. I'm not that great at painting in photoshop so i guess i had to try and take another route. Just for the heck of it, here's a screen of the character with self illumination using just the diffuse map and specular:


I still have to create a rig for this character, so expect a few more screenshots with poses in the near future. Thanks of reading!


  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    very nice. i've tried making models out of anime-esque characters before, and it's pretty rough. there are a lot of implied lines and such, that when it comes to actually modeling it, you have to flesh them out. it's definitely a tough job and i think you nailed it pretty well
  • Mind
    Offline / Send Message
    Mind triangle
    very nice reproduction , maybe some proportions are not exactly the same (foot for exemple) but that's nicely done anyway.
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    Nice job. That was a pretty cool show although I pretty much gave up on understanding the storyline towards the end. :)

    I think maybe his legs are a little long and the hips a little too wide, but it's a pretty good representation of the character. It should be cool once posed, I think. Maybe you should try to look for a way to cel-shade the character.
  • Vanlande
    Thanks for all the comments. Mayhap trying to make it have a realistic shading was a mistake. I should totally go for a cell shaded feel since it fits the character more.
    @Mind: Yeah, now that i look at it the whole leg is rather thin compared to the the concept. If i have the time i will change it before i skin.
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