Here is an environment I've been wanting to do for a while. I'm a huge Elephant men comic book fan ( ). So far I'm just doing scale and placement, just to make sure everything is the right scale. Please let me know if you guys see something off.
Unfortunately my drawing skills are not that good, this is a drawing done by one of the comic book artists. They drew alot of there inspiration from Blade runner. Will post up more work as I get more stuff done.
here is an quick update. In the main pic (far below) the left part of the side walk is one long piece, I was wondering if i should segment it into smaller pieces like a normal sidewalk?
I'm loving the modular feel of that walkway. This entire scene has a very dark, cramped feeling to it. Just showing a single concept really changes the aspect upon which something is looked.
Keep it up, I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of this.
thanks guys. I actually got a friend to make my Hip Flask ( the hippo guy, isn't that a baddass name?), so that is in the works also. I'm zbrushing (attempting to) some stuff and adding more stuff here and there. Here is a playblast of what roughly the final scene is going to look like [ame=""][/ame] It's in widescreen, everyone loves widescreen!!!!!!
I've been juggling 5 classes and trying to learn zbrush, hence the long time without an update. I changed the design of the coke machine a bit. I felt it seemed to plane. I'm not sure about how it looks now. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Also I havn't done any spec maps yet, which is why everything is so shiny.
here is a update: I dirtied up the place. I was wondering what you guys thought of the posters and the neon signs? In the end this is going to be in the rain, so I tried to make the posters "wet."
Hey, looking pretty cool! May I suggest putting it in-engine if you can? I feel a lot of your great work is getting lost to Maya's lighting, and it's really unfortunate.
Hey, looking pretty cool! May I suggest putting it in-engine if you can? I feel a lot of your great work is getting lost to Maya's lighting, and it's really unfortunate.
I really like the neon lights look/feel. That is why I think this would look especially cool in Unreal. I also like the garbage strewn all about, but maybe think about having the ground more broken up, if that Hippo is going to be placed in later you have to think about it's size, and in terms of game play this thing is really big. So the hippo when he walks the ground starts to divide below him so maybe have the pavement sort of uneven or broken up, like he just walked through..remember to tell a story!
Also some more color would REALLY bring this to life. Right now, there is too much unsaturated grey everywhere, the neon lights and the coke machine will give off some cool ambient color lighting, but you could definitely try to pull out some more color from the grime on the pipes and the like.
EDIT: also be careful for sharp edges, make certain you smooth normals or something because when you xfer map it won't look good if there are still those hard lines showing, worse yet, if you bake AO(which I highly recommend for this scene) then it will leave behind those lines on your shadow map unless you get rid of them in the texture, which is just more work, so make certain you have clean, smooth meshes with little or no hard edges.
Ditto for the engine thing. At least mock up some lighting straight into Maya to test things out before jumping into the engine, the lighting/color correction will really breathe life into the scene.
I got almost everything in engine (UDK). Here is a mockup of the light set up. One with fog and one without. The bloom is a bit to much but I have to go do some other HW. I will fix it later. Going to continue to work on some textures and models that need to be done. Thanks to everyone for the advice on everything. Also you guys should pickup the comic it is really good.
here is a picture of the hipo (Hip-Flask is his name in case you want to know) character my friend is doing for my environment.
I will link to him once he make/creates a Polycount account. If someone wants to contact him feel free to contact me and I will get you in contact with him.
Basic light pass (very basic). Importing some Spec maps and working on some High poly models. Tell me what you guys think the good and the bad (especially the bad. So much left to do.............
Wow, I really like your progress with this one, really inspiring!
Go ahead with the Coke-bubbles, they look good.
Have you worked alot in UDK before?
I have been dabbling in it for a bit. I manly learned using UDK tutorials. I recommended going through tutorials. You will kill yourself for the first day or so trying to figure how the hell to move around, but after that you should be good.
Thanks for the advice on the coca cola machine, took me four hours to figure out how to get it to work.
Here is a update I had for a while. I have just been waiting for the rigger to get done rigging the character so I can send the character to the animator. I"m working on this project on the side now.
Hey Gary this is looking solid. The water looks great in motion and the mood is nice. I would definately finish it so it can go on your portfolio. Right now it's still very dark compared to the concept and you need to add a spec map to your pipes and that will help with the detail on the right side. The lighting can still be lightened a bit though.
You do have some scaling issues though, the pole on the left in too skinny and your coke machine looks smaller as well. The sidewalks look a bit too rounded in places and you can probably tweak your normal map for that. Hope you continue with it man, it can be a great piece.
Good base on the stones! I do think it could use some more life though.. Some mos and dirt for example. May i ask, how did you do it? Is it just models dropped on the canvas or are they actual 3D objects place in full 3D space? If so, how did you go about it?
Agreed it is very blade runner. Should be interesting to see how this turns out
Keep it up, I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of this.
here are some updated pics:
I really like the neon lights look/feel. That is why I think this would look especially cool in Unreal. I also like the garbage strewn all about, but maybe think about having the ground more broken up, if that Hippo is going to be placed in later you have to think about it's size, and in terms of game play this thing is really big. So the hippo when he walks the ground starts to divide below him so maybe have the pavement sort of uneven or broken up, like he just walked through..remember to tell a story!
Also some more color would REALLY bring this to life. Right now, there is too much unsaturated grey everywhere, the neon lights and the coke machine will give off some cool ambient color lighting, but you could definitely try to pull out some more color from the grime on the pipes and the like.
EDIT: also be careful for sharp edges, make certain you smooth normals or something because when you xfer map it won't look good if there are still those hard lines showing, worse yet, if you bake AO(which I highly recommend for this scene) then it will leave behind those lines on your shadow map unless you get rid of them in the texture, which is just more work, so make certain you have clean, smooth meshes with little or no hard edges.
I will link to him once he make/creates a Polycount account. If someone wants to contact him feel free to contact me and I will get you in contact with him.
Concept of him in the rain
Go ahead with the Coke-bubbles, they look good.
Have you worked alot in UDK before?
I have been dabbling in it for a bit. I manly learned using UDK tutorials. I recommended going through tutorials. You will kill yourself for the first day or so trying to figure how the hell to move around, but after that you should be good.
Thanks for the advice on the coca cola machine, took me four hours to figure out how to get it to work.
It is based on this comic:
You do have some scaling issues though, the pole on the left in too skinny and your coke machine looks smaller as well. The sidewalks look a bit too rounded in places and you can probably tweak your normal map for that. Hope you continue with it man, it can be a great piece.