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Pirates of New Horizons "RELEASED" !

polycounter lvl 18
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warby polycounter lvl 18
new trailer new public build we call it a preview not a demo but thats basically what it is ... and we are taking preorders now ... so show us some indie love and spread the word :)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNxmACsGMCU"]Pirates of New Horizons Pre-Order Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

you can play it for free in your browser here:






I hope you like it ... there is a ton of sweat and blood of mine in this !


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    congrats man! will check it out soon!
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Nice, downloading it as I type!
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    I just finished it, and filled the survey!

    It's really good and gave me 40min of nice smooth gameplay. I played with mouse/keyboard and I had no problems at all with that setup.

    The only nitpicks I have about the game is the physics and animations are sometimes a little rigid, but overall, the gameplay was great, enjoyed that telegraph pole race as well!

    I hope you can continue with it.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    ha someone found the ninja race ... NICE i thought i wasted my time there implementing it ^^
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Ill give it a shot after class today, congrats man!
  • moziz
    - I broke the main menu. When I click the buttons, they do highlight but nothing happens. Cant play anymore :(

    - Music and sounds in general way too loud to my taste and there is no volume slider.

    - Why does the character get on her knees when she picks up the compass?

    - Don't know if blocking works. Atleast there is no animation for it.

    - How did the bad guys get inside the ships hull when the there are no holes and I was on the deck killing them the whole time?

    - I managed to fail the platform jumping part twice and everytime had to start a new game because the character just falls indefinitely and does not die.

    - Gamepad turns the camera way too slow.

    - Why there's no 'load' when there are checkpoints?

    Where does the game save it's settings?

    Edit: argh @ javascript
  • illadam
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    illadam polycounter lvl 14
    The screens look rad. I'm downloading now. I can't wait to play it.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    moziz wrote: »
    - I broke the main menu. When I click the buttons, they do highlight but nothing happens. Cant play anymore :(

    are you using a gamepad or the mouse to click on the buttons ? and how far did you play before the menu broke ? or did it break on the splash screen?
    moziz wrote: »
    - Music and sounds in general way too loud to my taste and there is no volume slider.

    we wanted to add that but didn't have the time :(
    moziz wrote: »
    - Why does the character get on her knees when she picks up the compass?
    so that her face and the item are not covered by the conversation backdrop ^^ (which has to be there because unity doesn't support /shadows/outlines around fonts ... which means you have to pick a color for your font and hope that the backdrop of it is significantly different so that you can read it ! unless you add a background where you know the color and than you are safe ! :)
    moziz wrote: »
    - Don't know if blocking works. At least there is no animation for it.

    blocking works and it has an animation !
    moziz wrote: »
    - How did the bad guys get inside the ships hull when the there are no holes and I was on the deck killing them the whole time?

    i dont spawn guys down there so they can only have followed you there !
    moziz wrote: »
    - I managed to fail the platform jumping part twice and everytime had to start a new game because the character just falls indefinitely and does not die.

    can you please tell me where exactly ? i just replayed the game and i definitely have a killzone under each level !
    moziz wrote: »
    - Gamepad turns the camera way too slow.

    can be tweaked to your hearts content in the options menu ! i figured thats an intuitive place to put it !
    moziz wrote: »
    - Why there's no 'load' when there are checkpoints?

    thats where you reappear when you die ! loading and saving was canceled because of the short length of the prototype .... and well .... time constraints again ! i would have loved to have it in there though :(
    moziz wrote: »
    Where does the game save it's settings?

    i dont know ... gotta ask unity
    moziz wrote: »
    Edit: argh @ javascript

    java what ? we wrote everything in c#
  • woodn
    hey warby

    i just played it and filled out the survey. i think it's a very good prototype. it plays smooth and leaves a very positive feeling. i hope you will get the chance to make it happen!
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Played it, did the survey. Really enjoyed it, but here's some thoughts:

    That intro was a real bummer. very long and no where near the art quality or interactivity of the game. Seems tacked on as though the gamer "needs-to-know" all this information they don't. "Hey here's all these character and things going on, wait they're all dead, forget that war with pirates and a navy now it's you and some aliens" Just no point. Oh and when that eyeball was looking in the window everybody got scared and ran from my computer.

    After that, the game was great. Beautiful, colorful worlds with lots to do.

    You guys could rename this game "No Health" because there is no health anywhere. I was near dead for most of the game. I broke all the barrels, found tons of stuff, but almost never any health to survive.

    Camera is too close for platforming. Most places you're supposed to jump are more of a blind faith jump that it's the way to go since the compass is pointing that direction.

    The grappling hook is REAL tricky. Most of the time it'd stay on-target with the previous link, and I'd go back or die. Had to get my girl directly under the next link to target it.

    That said, I really enjoyed it, and want to play more. In fact, I'll probably play it again later to really explore everything. I mostly plowed through this run.
    when I found the treasure room, and all that gold poured into my ship. That was awesome

    EDIT: btw, EVERYONE should play through this game to see lava island. Worth it!
  • moziz
    warby wrote: »
    are you using a gamepad or the mouse to click on the buttons ? and how far did you play before the menu broke ? or did it break on the splash screen?

    I figured why it does that. At some point, I have accidentally unbound attack from Mouse1 and because you use the attack button as the menu trigger, menu didn't work.
    warby wrote: »
    so that her face and the item are not covered by the conversation backdrop ^^ (which has to be there because unity doesn't support /shadows/outlines around fonts ... which means you have to pick a color for your font and hope that the backdrop of it is significantly different so that you can read it ! unless you add a background where you know the color and than you are safe !

    Wouldn't it be better if you just showed the item along side the text? Like text above and big compass rotating underneath it or something.
    warby wrote: »
    blocking works and it has an animation !

    I was so sure I bound it to my pad but I guess I didn't. Couldn't test it when I wrote the post because of the menu bug. Now that I got the menus working again, I tested it and it's ok.
    warby wrote: »
    i don't spawn guys down there so they can only have followed you there !

    Could be. They didnt follow me back out though.
    warby wrote: »
    can you please tell me where exactly ? i just replayed the game and i definitely have a killzone under each level !
    It seems I can fall through the killzones if I spam the jump button.
    warby wrote: »
    can be tweaked to your hearts content in the options menu ! i figured that's an intuitive place to put it !

    It's sometimes difficult for me to see things...
    warby wrote: »
    java what ? we wrote everything in c#
    That wasn't pointed at the game but polycount forums. I wrote my reply in notepad++ and tried pasting it to the quick reply box, it came out wrong even though it looked good in the reply box. Had to enable javascript to retain line breaks.

    Why does the character stop all horizontal motion when I press the jump button? Makes jumping long distances kinda hard when you have to press the jump button as fast as possible.

    Your game has great potential. The world can never have enough good action adventure games.
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    I really enjoyed this game. The moment I saw the island and was able to explore it I knew it would be fun. The storytelling elements in the game need some work, the art was great but you need some more work put into that intro. The grapple controls and the swimming controls need work with the keyboard and mouse but I found the overall gameplay experience to be quite enjoyable. The combat was kind of a pain at first but it still works ok. That all said, I would definitely play a full version too.
  • Generalvivi
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    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    very nice, i was actually somewhat invested in the story! I would love to play more! girl pirate all the way!
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Hi Warby,

    I played and enjoyed it very much. It's a great step , and I wish you a lot of luck with it.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Oh em gee, Free!

    Excellent artwork in there, I haven't downloaded It but from the pix I say good job, It looks like fun.

    If I get any time I will try It.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys

    @$!nz go and play it man you ! this thing should run in just about every machine out there ! (unless youare on linux !)
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    we just hit kotaku

    and the editor seams to like it ! :D

    /edit also if you want to help


    a digg would be appreciated !
  • bloodmoon
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    bloodmoon polycounter lvl 8
    Nice work! I'm trying to get Unity inside my head at the moment. Nice to see a creative project being released.

    Found a bug tho ^_^
    When your falling of a ship / cliff or anything to the nothingness. IF you hold down block you don't die and keep falling and falling and falling and falling hehe. And you have to exit the game and start over.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    ah that is probably what happened to moziz ! thanks for finding that man ! :D
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Really enjoyed this. Played it through to the end, including exploring the entire first island (got 5 of the 6 lighthouses lit, too, but couldn't figure out how to get to the top of the observatory :( ). Ninja race was hilarious, but man, what a tease for not giving me the rope-sliding ability :p

    Camera could use some tweaking, I think. Felt a bit rigid. Maybe add a bit of inertia+momentum to it? Also, when breaking items, the last attack in the combo (rising sword strike) occasionally left me on top of them so I'd have to walk back off them to strike them again.

    Looooved the final payoff
    with all the coins pouring into the ship. Brilliant stuff, and incredibly rewarding.
  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    Hey nice to see this released! :)

    It was great fun to play so far. I've also filled in the survey. Too bad motion sickess stopped me from completing the game :shifty:

    I liked how the enemies also hurt eachother while fighting. Not sure if this was intentional though.

    One odd thing I noticed was when you jump into the water you can jump again without even ever landing in the water.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    This was great, fully explored the island, and finished the available level, quite enjoyed it.
    The combat was a bit simple, and grappling hook physics were a bit meh, but otherwise I loved exploring the world and running around.
  • PhilipK
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    PhilipK polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome Warby! I'll try it out asap. Grats on the "release" then :)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter

    I've started playing online but was kicked to the survey several times (switching browser window, switching between full screen and windowed)

    will play the download version when I got some time
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for sharing this and congrats! I'm going to check it out over the weekend.:)
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    @rollin thanks man

    yeah there is alot of ugly hard coded behavior in the untiy webplayer as far as "focus" and "locking of cursor" and "input" goes ... lets just say it was a constant source of headaches !
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Overall I loved it. Gotta agree that the grappling hook was tricky, plenty of times I thought I was about to make a jump but when I tried to grapple the hook shot behind me. Swimming was very broken, I just had to let her gradually sink on her own instead of aiming with the camera.

    Lava island was awesome
    dumping all the treasure into the boat was a great end to the level
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Hey warby I went back and did what I assume is a 100% style run. I found all those light beacons where the mayor activates the last, the the ninja race, love the grenades (that made that one monster spawner fight in the lava island no problem). So much fun secret stuff to explain, and surprisingly a lot of game play. (like hitting trees to get coconuts as weight for triggers. Nice stuff.
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    Played through it yesterday.
    Had to go to window mode because i got motionsick. I don't know if it was the camera movement or the character speed. I often get this in fps but this was the first time in an 3dactiongame.
    However, I think it's really cool to give out such a prototype to get people interested. I'm sure excited to see where this project goes, cause it felt really raw and rushed in many areas.
    Also your rock texture that i had in my reference folder for such a long time, it looks horrible in the town scenery - so much strong contrast to the other beautifully chosen colors :(

    For the actual playing part. I consider myself to be categorized underneath "casual player" meaning I got stuck in zelda windwaker cause the dungeon levels were like a maze for me :D
    I had a hard time understanding what i had to do in the end scene. Opening all these gates. Maybe i skipped over some infos :D
    But I think the goals could have made a bit clearer with lighting choices.
    I closed the game twice and restarted after reading the spoilers in here :D

    I demand a pictured Walkthrough, so i get to see lighthouses and ninja race !
    Also the credits made me drool. All these mapcore people involved ^^

    I can't find a way onto the last lighthouse. Trying to jump from the windmill to the lighthouse but fail :/

    I don't know, I'm german and could go on rumbling on the negatives for pages but I don't think that's what your after, so I'll gather all my dusty cheerleading skills and say, great great work so far, but lots and lots and lots of work ahead of you guys considering all the competition in this field ! I'll keep my fingers crossed this all works out for you talented lot in the end and you'll be able to bring the game to another quality level !

    edit: found the ninja race. Can it be won at all ?

    Also for the camera I'd love to have a system like windwaker, where you can centre the character with one button, and freely rotate with another pressed button. That be kinda neat to have !
    And the character scale is kinda off - or let's say some doors or vice versa. It looked kinda odd. Some places are perfectly fine, and others have huge doors, stairs and ledges, which make her look like a dwarf. But I don't like her too much anyways ^^
  • PLing
    I remember this from Unity forums, gonna check it out in a minute and give you guys some feedback. :)
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    Acumen wrote: »
    For the actual playing part. I consider myself to be categorized underneath "casual player" meaning I got stuck in zelda windwaker cause the dungeon levels were like a maze for me :D

    Also for the camera I'd love to have a system like windwaker, where you can centre the character with one button, and freely rotate with another pressed button. That be kinda neat to have !

    i dont understand what you mean by "freely rotate with another pressed button" i beat windwaker and the only buttons i remember was this "camera behind link/strafelock" which would alss target enemys if there where any at the center of the screen !
    is that what you mean ?

    and yeah of course lots and lots and lots of more work awaits D: on both core mechanics and on content !
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    downloading it right now, I'll make sure to post my feedback, doing a prototype myself in unity, all I can say is congrats for getting it this far man, from the screens it looks great :)
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    whats your prototype about are there screens anywhere yet ?!
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    hehe, everyone is working with unity right now *G*

    warby: only things bugged me was the strange mouse look camera (strange jumps in it.. like the view-angle calculation was buggy ?!)
    and the grappling hook linking to the last crystal instead of the next ( I always needed to double jump to get far enough to hook on to the next crystal)

    edit: I had to search what to do next in the big room with big door after fighting the alien breed
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    the previouse grappling point being favoured over the next one is a known issue ... ( and one that infuriates me too ^^)

    but you are the first person to report that the cam is not perfectly smooth ? can you explain this in more detail ? is it frame-rate that drops that makes this happen or whats going on ? cam is perfectly fine for me and always has been ! since day one !
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    checked it again and it was working now.. I had the xbox controller attached to my pc too the last time. maybe that was influencing the controls
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    Warby : some topdown racing game, it's however pretty much a personal experimentation project, nothing really impressive and more importantly, nothing showable yet (everything uses dev textures and template meshes until i got the gameplay nailed)

    just played through the game, filled the survey too, overally good work, I found as you said earlier that the grappling hook gameplay needed a lot of work, same with fighting gameplay feedback ( you can pretty much just stand and hammer the action button) the physics when jumping out of the grappling hook are quite weird too, also, please, drop the chain attached grappling hooks, it just make sit even worse (it's overall a bad design decisions imo since it makes things totally unpredictable and physics, unless perfectly controlled are usually a bad factor in that kind of gameplay.

    jumping physics are too floaty aswell, but that can be fixed as you go

    Keep up the good work, I really loved the exploration gameplay in the town :) I'd suggest a more windwaker like approach to the combat, it'll help making things more fluid.

    edit: one thing that really hit me too was the weird scale of doors/building in the town, they are totally not consistent with character sizes (even adult), plus the kids proportions are not at all depicting 8-10 years old kids IMO, they look more in their mid teens than 8-10 ish as their size compared to doors make me think, which makes the scale look even more awkward. again, look at zelda for good kid body shape and style :)
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    Very awesome!

    I DL'ed it and will give it a go tomorrow.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Bollocks. I was really enjoying the game, exploring and making sure I got every little pickup and then I was one my way to the exit of the volcano level (or the area with the piles of the gold at least), latched on to the underside of the big chain with the barnacles on it with the grappling hook which proceeded to throw me completely out of the level. I was right near the middle. I think I kind of jammed myself against the side of the middle platform which resulted in getting launched.

    As I said in the questionnaire, there's a bit of polish needed, guys, but you've got a damn enjoyable game here. Nice work, fellas.
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    Yeh, I think apart from that feature you described was the possibility to adjust the camera with one of the countless sticks the gamepad had, when I hold a button.
    Maybe I don't remember it correctly, though.

    Either way, I think you know it for yourself that the camera system could need some slices of work :)

    Hope you keep us updated in this thread.
    Played through it again today, to impress my GF with my awesome gaming skills. But I still can't get on top of that lighthouse next to the windmill :/
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    sorry for the bump but I just completed the prototype and I thought I'd let you know it was an absolute dream to play! :)

    I can definitely see this being a full game. It really reminded me of playstation and 64 era platformers in all the best ways. one thing I found a pain was the way you change inventory Items - Often i would have the bombs out for a fight, then forget to change to the grappling hook before plumetting to my doom :P so controls need ironing out, but I had so much fun exploring and playing that I didn't really mind!

    Look forward to seeing more of this project!
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    @fearin a bump is always appreciated ^^ and love to hear that you like it

    but now i have to do a bump of my own for something important


    indie db is having one of those game of the year award things and obviously we dont stand a chance against minecraft but lucky us minecraft is considered a released game and ours is an "upcoming" game. those are separated categorys and you can vote for both ! so id urge everyone to vote for us if you liked the game !
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    i am proud to announce that based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback to the prototype ! we are making the full game and to go with the announcement here is a teaser shot of one of the new levels:

  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    That mess of rock and castle pieces oozes style man, I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet but I'm sure I will soon, look great :D
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Fantastic news :). Love that rock column.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Congrats warby! good luck! :D
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Even months now after the first release, I am still amazed by the results you get with simple vertex color lighting.

    It's gorgeous
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Keep us posted and if you can show off more artwork please do.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Filled in survey. Forgot to mention that the only thing I didn't like was the text box. Too big and in your face although I played the web-player version. Personally like the speech bubble way of text like in Conker 64.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    ParoXum wrote: »
    Even months now after the first release, I am still amazed by the results you get with simple vertex color lighting.

    It's gorgeous

    thanks man ! the trick is to use a fuck ton (or two) of verts ^^


    added announcement teaser for convenient last thread page clickyness
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