Simple question really, but there's not much to be found:
How do i go about controlling (ambient)sounds. As in, have them fade in, loop for a while, fade out. Toggling isn't hard, but it's the fading with a trigger I can't figure out. In Matinee I have no control over volume with a Sound Track as far as i can tell ? I'm also a bit confused as to why/when you would use simplesound vs soundcues ?
The problem is getting it to loop and fade in and out. If I let it fade in and out, it will do the fading for every loop cycle. Also, the only way to loop it in Kismet seems to be putting the Finished output back into Play....
You need a looping sound fade out after a number of plays?
The real way is to make a MapMusicInfo and set the fade in and fade outs with cues. Then in Kismet trigger those "events" (ambient/action/suspense etc). But my version of UDK does not allow UDKMapMusicInfo, only UTMapMusicInfo... but there is no UTMapMusicInfo node to place... so I copied one from another map and it still didn't work. So going to install the latest UDK now.