I have always worked in a realistic fashion, to help broaden my horizons I wouldn't mind doing some stylised work, in some cases you could say cartoon style, over exaggerated world and human features. I assumed I would just get straight to work, but have found myself lost already. With no real drawing skills to express myself I was wondering what you could recommend for influence?
I have been looking through google and such but can't think of what to search for... cartoon, stylised all the words I can think of come up short for influence...
What do you think? Got any good advice to find some good art direction?
My $0.02
Form and Proportion
Color and Lighting
(and sometimes Suggestion; think simple cartoon noses as an example)
Thars some stylised stuff to get you started
I'm currently playing with the idea of a map/scene set in Frankenstein's castle or possibly the great fire of London, but not to sure yet. I like the idea of having some sort of horde, London been giant rats and Frankenstein been burning torches.
But hey, I always have random ideas with no time to do them, so will have to see how this one plays out :P