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3D Artists Needed for Sandbox MMOFPS

Hello! I am looking for two artists, description of work follows. Both positions are not paid up front (revenue share). But first, a little about the us and the project.

MartianArctic games is a proven indie PC game developer who has shipped Cyber-Wing www.cyber-wing.net, a critically acclaimed remake of Herzog Zwei, which has enjoyed tens of thousands of downloads on the internet since its release in January.

Our new game is a sandbox MMOFPS, kind of like "tribes meets minecraft". The current sprint is only about 3 months long, and after that, we plan to release a "pay to beta test" version, so although the project is revenue share, money could be rolling in relatively quickly.

The look is "indie style": something you're comfortable doing quickly and without too much effort. Speed and a clean look is the key. We can obviously talk more about this later.

I understand people need to eat, and everybody needs art for their games, but the project is really exciting and i think it will do very well. If this sounds even remotely possible for you, get in touch with me. Chances are good you will really like the game, and will want to work on this.

***Character Animator - For this sprint, your job is to make two characters that will be animated. They are human, bipedal figures. One is a monster and the other is the player.

***Mechanical Designer - For this sprint, your job is to make 2 vehicles, 2 guns, 2 melee weapons, ammo items for the two guns, a turret, a structure, and numerous other small items. Only the guns need to be animated.

Again, I know rev share sucks, especially if you have the kind of skills we need you to have, but I think the project will prove to be extremely rewarding, and if you have any ability to make this happen, get in touch with me, I think chances are really good you'll get into the project and figure its worth 3 months of your time. Thanks!!!

All Inquiries:

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