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Students not performing?! Lower the bar!

Saskatoon's public high school students will no longer be penalized for plagiarism or for turning in assignments late under a new evaluation method for report cards.


this just blows my mind.
I've been stewing about it since I've read it. Thought I'd pass on the insanity to the rest of you :)


  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet, so one could just rip a page out of a text book and turn it in two weeks late.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    That's pretty crap-tastic. I attended a private school where the curriculum was quite rigorous and unforgiving. Can't say I approve of this. Academics lose all value when you lower the difficulty. They're supposed to be hard, and require a lot of legwork and memorization. Learning to make deadlines is a part of any job, that should not be removed from the curriculum. Placing students under hard deadlines is actually one of the more valuable lessons they can learn in school. And don't even get me started on plagiarism. My English professor was a real stickler on plagairism.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    hmm, they do have a point about separating the "behavior learning" and the academic mark, but then the'd have to teach the kids how to behave in a different way too... Conditioning has been thoroughly studied and while it is true that punishment works less good than reward (for good behaviour), it still works! :P. IMO kids need to learn about how to work in a business environment in school, and in business environments you have deadlines that you must stick to.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Wow....breeding a new generation of stupid...
  • Mark Dygert
    Meh, its fine, I just don't want to listen to teachers cry when all the students wait until the last week and drop every piece of homework on the teachers desk, not a peep. I expect it to be given every ounce of attention it would be given through out the year.

    ok its not fine... what the hell Canada!? Kick some teachers asses when they come up with stupid ideas like this.
  • woody_294
    Ermmm, yeah and the people who do everything on time, with their own grey matter get WHAT?

    A sanctioned reason to not bother their arse. Wow is your industry going to hate you school!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    what a bunch of retards. "lets not reward kids for participating and trying to excell, that would clearly be unfair to the lazy dumbasses of society ....."

    no definitely don't teach them to go above and beyond, they certainly wont need that attitude in university, and pffffffff the job world, no its not competitive at all.......

    Oh but wait, a country full of under educated people is far more easy to control isnt it?! oh there we go, better cut some more funding too then.
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Brawndo ! It's got Electrolytes !
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I agree with what they're saying, that current school systems are teaching behavior and not facilitating learning, but this isn't the way to solve that...

    I know for when I was in school, there was that certain type of person, the perfect student. It didn't matter if they were actually intelligent or learned more than the rest of us, they followed curriculum and assignments to a T, memorized all the right stuff and did the work like a trained monkey. Those were the type of people that excelled during school, the ones who adhered to the expected way a student should perform.

    I think exploring different methods for academic evaluation is a good thing, but this is a bit silly.
  • woody_294
    Fair play frump to what you're saying, I agree that the "perfect student" benefited from the current learning approach even though they weren't understanding things, they were learning the curriculum, and thinking/acting outside of the norm were thoroughly not encouraged by the system, although teachers may have appreciated it.

    After all, coursework was implemented to combat people not being able to do tests, i.e work out the actual problems under pressure, which is what happens in day to day life. And rather than re-evaluate the testing progress they created a backdoor for people who do not understand things to gain a high grade.
  • sneakymcfox
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    what bullshit

    i usually copied my homework from the fat kid at lunchtime, and turned in pretty much every single assignment late. It was the figuring out how to get away with it that was the rewarding part, i learned loads. I had this great system at uni involving an old printer and a floppy disc, worked like a charm the three times i dared to use it.

    now these kids won't even be using their minds for this. Humph.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I don't know what the policy in Canadian Universities is like, but in America for the most part late work is not accepted unless discussed with a professor. And plagiarism? You fail the class if not kicked out of school. I don't see the sense in this thinking at all. This isn't setting up a learning experience, it's setting up failure for the kids at these particular high school school systems.
  • RyanB
    Formal wrote: »
    Actually, plagiarism in Canada = zero at least in quebec and, most of the time, it also equals sanctions and a note to your student status

    Simon Fraser University has introduced a new grade: FD, failure with academic dishonesty.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    It is called reverse psychology.
  • woody_294
    People don't do reverse psychology on the general public where it can be read in, and out, of context at their leisure *Facepalm*
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    My old high school teachers used to say "We have a program that reads your essays and finds out if you plagiarized or not." (google).

    People still did it.. copy pasta + change a few words that seem like "college words", and your set.

    To be honest it's out teaching system... it sucks... NA's system is the worst compared to countries similar to it's economic level. (even India and China have better systems... I started out with learning more as a child, so I could handle more when I grew up... it's a process that starts early.)

    I think that if we re-think our current education system, and bend it in a way to make younger children LEARN, actually LEARN, rather than "watch" a teacher read everybody poops (yes even that apple...) and play with brightly colored cubed shapes... we could stop all this.. since the child will want to learn more, he will want to expand.

    Hmmmmmmmg sigh*

    When I was a kid Lego and Meccano was the big thing.. now it's a fucking (sorry) half truck half shark thing.
  • Taylor Hood
    Brilliant. I never knew that society was capable of breeding even more retarded, undisciplined idiots. Well, at least I'm in College, here in the UK, and everything is fine... oh wait, they can't teach me anything.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Hey PC, I know this is off topic but I found this profile on youtube that has RIPPED almost 500 videos worth of content and posted it.

    What should be done? I am almost positive he ripped all this. There might be people on PC whose content he has ripped.


    I reported him.. lets see what happens?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    This is pretty disturbing. With the value of degrees decreasing by the day, this is only adding to the problem. :(
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Back in my day, lazy students flunked out like they deserve to!
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Sounds like George Bush's awesome no child left behind program where even stupid dumbasses would be passed up in grade even if they should have failed and stayed behind.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    hmpf, said they aren't penalized for plagiarism and lateness but they still have to do the work. If the lazy kid who slacked off all year wants a passing grade he's going to have to put in some serious crunch time to finish all his late homework and rewrite plagiarized reports.
  • Jeremi Eldridge
  • Jeremi Eldridge
  • Jeremi Eldridge
    (And I'm already looking dumb...lol... I hit the X before I got approved and I thought it deleted it. Can the mod/admin please delete my first two posts?)

    I've never gotten any of that. =/ Of all the things to be passing, the public schools seem intent on lowering the standards for students.

    Don't get me wrong I think some private schools are good, but not everyone can afford them. I know there's multiple issues involved also, like teachers being paid less (this is just from the few towns I've lived in) and other budget issues that our economy are constantly facing, but I mean...come on... Not penalizing for plagiarism? You might as well just write them an A for their paper before they even turn it in. We need our minds more engaged and pushed further and NOT just on the AP programs, in my opinion.

    Sorry for the rambling but schooling has been one of my biggest peeves over the years, because I was in the beginning of this degradation of the public education and have continued to see their effects in the US too ever since. -sigh-
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