Yo, I want to start applying to a few studios in a few weeks just to see where I'm at, so, I need you guys to humiliate me first so I am steeled for all the rejection down the line........
Crits on the site, content, everything pls! Some content is newer than others so if theres something that stands out as being poor pls let me know, and how easy/frustrating the site was to navigate etc etc....
Thanks in advance.....I think :icon60:
otherwise, i'd like to see character and architecture work on there. maybe some weapons too.
Your HP stuff looks nice and clean.
Your KTM RC125 MotoGP racing bike was my favorite piece. The colors feel right along with the shader.
I didn't like the tank though. The stagnant green looks too monotone. From what I saw on your diffuse for it, it didn't seem like you mirrored much of it. If you mirror half the tank and a few other of its pieces, you would get higher pixel density.
If your going to leave the tank as-is, I would suggest removing the diffuse texture page from your site.
I would also get rid of the grey backgrounds. It blends too much with the site bg and kind of drowns your asset presentation pages. Well, at least imo.
Nice work :thumbup:
@n88tr + kevin...I want to apply for environment art positions, mainly as a prop artist, or as a vehicle artist. I kinda thought that seeing as theres only vehicles and props on there it would be quite clear, but ye, perhaps I should spell it out....
I have done quite a few buildings and trees, but all either for the bf2 engine (old!) or for RTS games. None of them are very portfolio worthy.....hmm, something to sort out I think!
As for characters, do you think its worth doing a character piece as well? I havent done many, I think I could do a good one, but I've always steered away from it due to everyone being a character artist......Thanks for the feedback, I want to do exactly what you wrote, more environment and character work, its just finding the time!
On a teeny off-topic.....I am doing small freelance jobs to pay the bills atm, some I can use for the folio like the bike, most I can't (RTS buildings, ultra low poly stuff) The problem is I am finding little time to work on personal projects as I'm tied up all the time earning money. I really want to get into some studio work, so do you think I should ditch the freelance work and concentrate on building 2 more mega portfolio pieces, or carry on and add any good pieces as I go?
Thanks for the tips dudes, much appreciated....
I'd add some more text to the title, "David Mason - Game Artist Portfolio" or something. Some meta descriptions and keywords, too. Helps with google indexing
Cheers Talon, name stuff seems like a good idea, I'll fix that.
I was thinking about turning in a CV to Rockstar sometime, any tips for that? Or just not to bother yet?!
No specific tips, I'm afraid. I got in by luck more than anything else :P
If you say you like making environments and foliage in your "About Me" page, you'll need some evidence of that - it'll be noticed that environments and foliage are absent from your folio.
You are right tho, glaring error so ta for pointing out, and I'll check out the analytic tools. I love polycount
The Jeep you made for Contagion was my favorite on the site. The motorcycle was really nice too.
Good stuff!
2 things, some of your pics have black borders and some have drop shadows. Uniformity! Also the last pic of the impala has the image plane underneath it. Ugh.
Other than that, why not apply. Might get lucky! Good luck dude
You could make the about/home links the same color at the name, and then make roll overs for each object. initially they would all be the same grey, then the roll over would be real colors. Donno if it would work, but it might be cool
Ah, what a noobzor, good find thanks a lot!!