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"Tag" Looking for programmer and animator/rigger.

Looking for a programmer, probably for Unity 3d or a good 2d package that easily allows for conversion between platforms (pc/mac/iphone/android). Initially the project will be PC only. The game will be primarily multiplayer.

Looking for a rigger/animator, I'm competent enough to make cute, simple 3d characters, but I'm not very good at rigging and animating.

Not a big fan of intellectual properties, so here is the entire design document as of yet.

For more information contact me at: atherton.i@gmail.com
"Tag" By Ian Atherton


Top down perspective
2d or simple 3d graphics. If 3d, low mobile'ish spec, probably around 500 tri 256tex per character. Built on engine that can easily be adapted for other platforms.


The mouse controls where the player is looking, viewing radius would be something normal for a human +/- 90 degrees. Areas out of visible range will be shaded darker, and will not show other players or powerups if they are there.

Player's character in middle of screen use WASD to move, W moves straight toward the cursor, S away from it, A and D strafe around the cursor at a reduced speed.

Each class can either sprint or roll to help them, this is done by double tapping any of the 4 movement keys. Rolling is a quick burst of +40% speed and rolling rolls the player a short distance making them immune to tagging during the roll. Lengths and cooldowns for these can be determined with testing.


Left click throws out a hand to tag with (you cannot hold a hand out at all times, hand stays out for 2 seconds, 2 second cooldown), right click and spacebar are bound to the the special abilities of the various classes.


Powerups spawn randomly on the map that increase speed, invisibility, immunity to tags etc...


Different classes have different speeds/cooldowns on abilities and different special abilities. As well as different graphics.

Fattie: Runs 90%, can't roll, can shrug off a tag once per round, random player becomes IT, can intimidate a player (auto target closest visible enemy) to make fattie immune to their tag for 5 seconds.

Nerd: Runs 100%, can't sprint, can summon a recess teacher to incapacitate anyone it touches. Can summon a doppelganger that paces around as tag bait, explodes and stuns the enemy if bumped into, or tagged.

Cool kid: Runs 100% won't roll, can tagback every once in awhile, can select one other player to charm, so they wont tag him if they become IT (as long as they aren't IT already.)

Sporty: Runs 110% won't sprint, fails at tagging 1/2 of the time, side ache occurs on occasion, reducing speed by 20%. Can kick up dust to smoke screen an area, only he/his team can see under it. Can throw a dodgeball to briefly stun a player (aim dodgeball with cursor).

Runs 95%Won't sprint or roll, cooties: 40% chance when someone tags the girl they will get cooties, causing them to run around uncontrollably for 6 seconds, contagious. Can wink at an enemy (auto target closest visible enemy) to blur there vision, and slow their movement slightly. Can whack enemies with a stick, briefly slowing their movement rate by 60% with a 25% chance of stunning them (balances having no sprint or roll).

IT: Runs 40% faster while IT. Has complete (360 degree) vision while IT.

Game Types

"Classic Tag"

1 round per player, each round starts with someone else tagged first, each round lasts a variable amount of minutes. The player with the least amount of time as tagger at end of all the rounds wins.

"Team Tag"

1 round for each team, each round starts with a different team having the IT player.
Same rules but there are teams, and whoever is IT can only tag members of the other teams. At the end the team that spent the least time with a player who was IT, wins.

Inspiration: games we played in elementary school. Class based multiplayer games like Team Fortress.
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