This is a remake of the main character from an old Sega Genesis`s game called Chakan.
My idea here was to recreate this character as he would be for an actual game in this generation. It was a tricky production but fun to make. The character has 15437 triangles and 3094 for the weapons, I used 5 map channels to achieve better quality since there is almost nothing mirrored in the UV layout.
Rendered using scanline.
Thanks to all my friends who supported me specialy Flavio Hoffe for the great tips.
EDIT: Actually, never mind about the slightly big head comment. I just looked at the official Chakan - The Forever Man art and his head seems to be around that size... This really is a great current-gen interpretation of him.
Excellent model!
Also Chakan the game was the shit!
Thanks for the amazing feedback.
About the size of the head that some people mentioned, I tested a lot the size and tried a smaller head, but this way he looked too strong with large shoulders. My intention was to make him very thin.
I realized that the angle and pose I used in the first image gives the impression that the head is slightly bigger than it really is.