I am creating an older version of "Scarface" from the Batman series for the
Comicon Challenge. This character always was one of my favorite villains as a kid, and I will enjoy modeling [them] quite a bit

The general theme for my entry will be "The Age-less Power of Evil". I want to demonstrate the lasting power of evil by showing their fragile and weak bodies struggle to maintain, while the soul(s) inside remain just as twisted and powerful as ever!
I intend for Arnold Wesker (the Ventriloquist) to be a corpse, a few months past death. He will be in a constant state of decomposition, which Scarface has managed to deter (amazingly).
Somehow the two still present an impressive opposition for do-gooders.
I'd love to hear any recommendations or suggestions from you guys

Reference Maps:
ScarfacePuppetsPeter Boyle
Looking for critiques, and general feedback. Thanks in advance
I don't think Wesker looks corpsey enough. He needs maggot holes in his flesh, peeling or bubbling skin, that sort of thing. At the moment he simply looks old and deformed.
Personally, I don't think Peter Boyle is a good base for Wesker, but I may simply be biased. My introduction to this character duo is from the WB cartoon. Wesker is an unassuming, retreating, wimpy character. Boyle is a cantankerous, angry, old man. Finding a Hollywood reference for a character like that might be difficult, you may have to use your imagination.
Scarface is recognizable though - but remember he is a puppet, not a little-person. He needs to look more like a puppet, and less like a dwarf with huge jowls.
Good start though.
I had plans of just making Wesker shriveled and in early stages of decomposition, but I definitely agree that some maggot holes or other kinds of flesh damage would be much more interesting to look at
I am re-structuring the proportions to make Scarface look more like a puppet right now. Trying to come up with other ways to sell it, as well...
Moving on...
There's alot more I'd like to do, but I need to move on if I have any hopes of finishing on time. However, I still welcome feedback with open arms
Finishing up Scarface now....
Tommygun is almost done already, and the chair will be done soon after.
Almost ready to start painting...
See how low you can get this bad boy without degrading the quality. I'm willing to bet with a bit of tomfoolery, you could half that tri count.
edit: also his fingers are looking a little too spaced out
@MikeF - I just checked, and if you're talking about the dead guy w glasses, he is actually 7 heads high. You may be talking about the dummy that is 5 heads high, and I did that on purpose
Shaved of about 3,000 polys thanks to the alhpa techniques. Great ideas! Not much else there appears I can do to chip away at the poly count without gradually reducing quality.
edit* - I also removed the bottom edge loop on that wooden beam. You could only just barely tell a differnce w that one
Time to start texturing!
C&C is welcome, just remember that I have a LONG way to go on these textures.
Posed for the most part, with a few tweaks still left to do. I also changed Scarface’s colors around to more closely match his likeness from the comics. Been detailing and adding wear in different spots. Still have plenty more to do, but it’s getting there.
Any chance you could show me the wireframe of the characters from the back (i'm mainly interested in the elbow, neck and knee part) ? Just out of curiosity and if it isn't too much trouble of course
Anyway great job!
Here's another update of the entire scene. Did too many different things to mention, but mostly focused on skin tones and damage (on both characters). I also fixed the pose, but still may have to tweak Scarface's eyes. C&C appreciated.
I've been following this tutorial.
Okay, I am currently working the materials in UDK. Having problems with the alpha as it seems to only want to respond to 100% black or 100% white. Still have a lot of lighting work to do as well. Having trouble with shadows in that department. I'll get it sorted out.
C&C appreciated
*edit - had to flip the y channels on the normal maps. Looked terrible once I recognized it. Also fixed some uv stretching, and added normal map definition to the hair.
I wanted to thank everyone on Polycount and in the Google+ hangout sessions. I received many great tips that allowed me to break through some very tough obstacles.
Criticism is always welcome