Anybody else pick it up? I have to say thus far I'm... Toooorn... I had the stupid idea of picking it up on PC, but man what a sloppy PC port, ugh... Shame its not using the MT Framework engine like other Capcom titles, because it runs pretty bad and has some terrible visuals (Not to mention no filtering on any 2d stuff at all, which is totally not cool. You would think when the damn CAPCOM logo came up and it had a million pixelated errors on it they would have said "gee, this looks pretty shite eh?").
The game is pretty much the original, with a lot of fixes and changes. Sadly you still get timed in doing everything which means you will either love it or hate it, and if you fail a mission thats it, you wont get another try unless you reload the save. Its annoying in many ways but its what makes Dead Rising, well, Dead Rising. Its a shame they couldn't just drop you in this awesome zombie filled world and just let you take your time and repeat missions at your own pace, it would make the coop so much more interesting. (Infinite mode from the original game has been removed I head

So yeah, so far its a fairly average game that has its quirky moments, with some mixed appalling/nice graphics, but the PC port is awful. Its out, legally, in the UK atm for PC. I'm playing a retail copy atm, but I purchased it over Steam (which wont unlock until Monday) which reminds me, the release was totally ballsed up, too...
Anyway, anybody else pick it up? Whats it like on 360/PS3? Does it have some terrible frame rate issues randomly for no reason on there, too?
So yeah, I totally agree. If it was the same game, just with no time limit and pick up and play missions, it would be so epic... Its a shame really
Yeah it did, but by the time you've got around to doing that, you are totally tired of it... But like I said above, I *think* infinite mode was removed, this time
Still don't know if I will pick it up. It irks me that 360 gets Exclusive dlc (I've converted to PS3 since I'm on my 3rd 360), That and Rock band 3 and GT5 is around the corner and huge money sinks that go alone with it.
Heh, kind of funny that Dead Rising is a true love/hate it game, DR1 is certainly in my top 3 of favorite X360 games!
That would be stupid...
...its every 24 hours.
Some people bought it or tried it not realizing that its a zombie apocalypse simulator toned down a bit so its not too brutally punishing.
I loved the first version. I think I have to get this. Or Enslaved...
I'll gladly give up my right to dress up like a school girl and throw stuffed animals at zombies if it means I don't have to deal with the following:
Some of the directions given and boss fights where downright retarded or just missing. Not to mention here's a big sandbox but oh yea you won't be able to explore it until after we've driven you to toss your controller through the wall.
No option to say "opps dropped my phone during last attack, sorry I missed your call". Every 6ft some idiot would call then get pissed because I didn't pick up. Fuck the hell off Otis (or whatever the hell your name was) make yourself useful and get your ass down here. Toss yourself to some zombies while I clear off a few missions.
The taking photos thing was just pointless, oh you get PP points! First thing people do when facing a zombie apocalypse is adjust their vocation to skull smasher. Not play Barbie dress up and fashion shoot with the undead.
Weapons wear out. Awesome... so this thing that I risked life and limb to get, turns to crap and finally breaks... awesome. So... Zombies can respawn like crazy but weapons don't?
Combos didn't always work like they should. If I remember correctly some where only trigger-able when zombies where in specific places in relation to the player. Meaning that as they or the player moved the combo might or might not work. That also meant, if you're going to practice the move you had to be in danger, which made it was pretty likely that trying to use advanced moves was going to get you killed... normally not a problem with regular save system. So that means sticking to what works, which is boring repetition.
I just cleared this place and now its full again... this is why we can't have people over.
I liked the demo, it was lacking a lot of the annoying features. But I felt rooked because what I bought wasn't as fun as what I was playing the week before. I'm pretty sure I ground final game disc into a fine powder, mixed the powder with some left over fireworks, blowing it hell and back, then pissed on the scorch mark.
The good news is it sounds like most of the super annoying issues have been tweaked and that they listened to many an outraged fan. I'll still wait a good long while before I pick it up.
I played a lot of Case Zero and loved it. It's kept in tact all of what was good about Dead Rising, added stuff and fixed some of the problems.
I still love Dead Rising even with its faults. With a slightly improved save system, DR2 shouldn't be as much of a pain.
The time based stuff can be annoying, but it's also a really interesting experience. Not a lot of games use time based systems so it leads to some unique gameplay underneath the pain of being time restricted. I like that it forces decisions too. Do you save X or stock up on Y. Lots of risk and reward.:poly142:
The save system? I thought it was great, a few times I saved away from base, not too many but it didn't worry me anyway. Being able to save anywhere would have made it less of a challenge (boring) and you would have sailed through, especially when it comes to the end parts of the game when it's hard to dodge zombies.
8/10 nothing really memorable but lots of constant fun:poly142:
As for 2 specifically.
I have it on PS3, it runs smooth and co-op has had only a couple connectivity issues. The only problems I've had is a choppy frame rate driving the H1 through an alleyway with about 200 zombies. And its frozen on me 3 times now...
Personally as far as the rest of the game. A gun should hurt a person more than a zombie unless its a head shot for romero style zombies...which these are...sort of.
I can see a display sword becoming useless after whacking a few zombies, even a bat snapping, but the H1 breaking after a thousand zombies?
Did you try the shit kick? If you shit kick him it's super easy.
They seriously should have just let you whup his ass with the S.A.W. or ya know, any other weapon in the game...but whatever. super ninja vulnerable only to the hillbilly fighting style >.>
Yeah, I am surprised by all the hate floating this thread right now. I feel that Dead Rising gave me what Resident Evil 5 should have. I played both, did not finished RE5, but totally excited about this game. I had no idea it came out, and will get DR2 soon!