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Eurogamer! London! October 1st-3rd!

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fearian greentooth

Who else is going? Who else would like to meet for a pint? I'm going to be down there on the Friday (and maybe the sunday) at the careers fair and taking a look around the indie arcade.

Also, no way in hell I am missing the Art Director of Deus Ex: Human Revolution give a talk about the game!

So yeah, anyone up for a mini meet? There's also a Rock Paper Shotgun meet happening in the evening if anyone fancy's a larger crowd.


  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I will be there on sunday :) checking out the careers fair and all the lovely games :D I remember going to the careers fair about 3 years ago and it was in a real shady part of London haha, proper get stabbed country. but yea some great lectures were on that year. not sure to stay freelance or get back in the studio so time to have a chat with industry people me thinks :)
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    IM there on the 1st...definatily up for meeting others, going for the careers fair and just browsing, also wanna check out frozen schnapse in the indie section.

    gonna meet with friends in the evening but will definatily be around most of the day if any form of meet does happen :)....
  • Kharn
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    Kharn polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys Ill be around on the 1st and second in the careerfair , and then probably mootching around the main floor ^^.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Ok, I will definitely be at the Rock Paper Shotgun meet on friday evening, and I will be around during the day on sunday.

    If you can make the pub meet, or if you want to meet up for lunch on sunday, drop me an email and maybe we can sort out a meeting spot or trade numbers.

    It's looking like it could just be two or three of us, but that will just make our impending bond of friendship even stronger!! *sniff*
    Hopefully I will bring along other games people, but everyone's a bit wishy washy on this.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Be there saturday.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    There'll be a bunch of Splash Damage guys there demoing Brink, unfortunately I can't make it as I'm moving house this weekend, but it sounds like a lot of fun! :)
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Excellent to hear Mop, hopefully bump into a few familiar faces from quakecon and such :).

    Speaking of which ill be wearing my Quakecon2005 shirt if anyone does bump into me, only person in the place to wear one surily!!....would wear the classic(text) Polycount shirt but its beginning to fade, should upgrade to the Greentooth version really :)

    Maybe see soem of you around later!.

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    MoP wrote: »
    There'll be a bunch of Splash Damage guys there demoing Brink, unfortunately I can't make it as I'm moving house this weekend, but it sounds like a lot of fun! :)

    Mop I totally name dropped you to get talking to a splash damage guy :poly124: -I was in a pub full of people I didn't know, and saw someone in a SD tee, so I sidled up and was all 'You might know someone I met once!':poly122:

    Turns out he was Ed Stern! He was really nice (and repeatedly complimented you by the way!)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, yeah, Ed is a top bloke (and very funny man), I considered telling you guys to name-drop but I figured you'd do it anyway if you felt like it :) Good move!

    Did you get to play the game? If so, I hope you didn't have to queue too long - I heard the Brink queue was pretty much the longest one in the show... and not because we're slow at turning people round!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Yeah as soon as I came in I ran to the queue for the Deus Ex developer session (which was a good Idea because that queue ended up going around the whole show floor!), and after that I ran to the queue for brink :)

    But! We queued for 40 minutes(!) and watched the people ahead of us playing a full 20+minute game that looked ace! Then we sat down and got our ass handed to us in 5 minutes, never really leaving the spawn :( we got moved on. So I liked what I saw, but I didn't see much.

    Edit: oh I spoke to someone who was a journalist for shacknews, It turns out she had read polycount a fair bit before, and when I told her the Ed story she lit up with oh yeah! Mop! that guys stuff is amazing!

    You are well known!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Yea I was loving Brink, The ques were too long for me though so I just watched from behind the tape but by god is it pretty :) you guys did an awesome job. Was fun just watching people play with the character customisation.

    One of the highlights for me was seeing some random guy on Rock Band 3s new guitar controller where you have to actually play all the proper chords and stuff, on expert, almost flawless. he was INSANE!!!!! its like those guys that could pick up the rock band drums for the first time and 100% master of puppets on expert straight away.

    Dead Space 2 must of been the prettiest game for me, the event horizon style reactor/gyro thing just blew me away, so cool. Gears 3 and bulletstorm were awesome, nice to see colour in gears of war and not just browns and greys, playing as one of the big boomer dudes with a meat cleaver was cool :)

    3D TVs were around alot aswell, wasnt too impressed if im honest, maybe the seats were too close but personally I found it quite hard to focus on things and I only got to play on motorstorm apocalypse with it and the graphics were a bit blocky which didnt help. But I think the setup for the 3DTVs was all wrong, there was glimpses of coolness.

    Fable 3 looked great aswell, Character art is soooo much better now :) was alot of cool games up there but I went mainly to speak to devs and The careers fair was a bit poo imho, hardly any devs there and it was tiny. Its more of an event for people looking to get into the industry but still it was a poor showing. And most places were after producers and leads but the people that were up there were really nice and we had a good chat :) I thought I may have gone on the wrong day but there was only 3-4 empty stalls. Was a good fun day out though :D
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