Nice to counter balance a bunch of recent negative work related threads, including my own, to say I landed a position at CCP games Iceland. It felt like a crazy long shot as its nothing short of a dream job for me but I got all signed up yesterday for the move over seas next month!
Realtime Worlds was a 10min walk from my flat so adjustment was minimal, now I'm moving to Reykjavik!
Any CCP guys here on PC? I'm looking for some insider tips on relocating across the water and to pre arrange some pints when I get there!
Let's just hope their (Icelands) economy picks up
first year at abertay though >.>, always wanted to move to iceland.. maybe I'll see you there in like 5 years or something :P
how long u plan on staying?
Congrats man. I know what you mean about it being a dream job. I always look at their job page too and start dreaming
Not 100% sure what project I will be on but it looks like CCP is going in some awesome directions cant wait to be part of it! The Dust 514 trailer looks insane!
@Sam - Best of luck to you m8 at Abertay but listen to the guys here on PC, they will give you the real scoop on how to work in games.
good luck and congrats though. Its always cool to make a new start
It's not 6 months of darkness. One day a year has only 2 hours of darkness, and one day a year only 2 hours of light, and it slowly fades between those. There is only 1/4 of the year where you get less than 8 hours of daylight. I didn't miss it, and the super long summer days make up for it. Being able to go out at midnight in the sunlight is awesome.
I don't work at CCP anymore Flava-fly but my husband does and I'm at most of the gatherings. I go to the IGI meetups too (our local version of IGDA), so I'm sure I'll see you around.
It's cool breeze i been rolling the polycount train for 3 years.