It was from the 80's maybe early 90's. It had (I think) 3 guys, with television heads and go-bots type robotic bodies?
I vaguely remember the into, but the show was from my childhood, way back when.
I wish I could give you more information, but I only remembered seeing the into, and always wanted to see the whole show.
Any help guys? I have been looking for a LONG time.
Damn I wish I would have watched the show back when! Now I torture myself with endless pain
I saw it in India, umm on cartoon network (TNT), the series of shows was called Toonami.
In the intro I remember them spinning (kind of like the centurions when they are getting powered up) and then their heads being attached (maybe not), the tv/robot head type things, but this is very vague.. who knows
Also, there were some story bits involving Tom and his different versions, I recall the original tom dying somehow, and by the third run of toonami they had some kind of weird little robots, but I don't know really.
Thanks for the links Rwolf, I haven't seen those websites before so I am, again, going to look though them all. Although i'm not sure if they might be posted there. Still worth a look. Thanks again!
I found a website a while back with pictures as well as the names of the shows... but no luck.
Also... silverhawks yeahhhh!
Some of this stuff was so damned weird.
I mean I watched thundercats and heman all the damned time, too. Silverhawks. I dunno.
Also I give up.. no probs, I just hope the show sucked.
Also, I have no idea what show that is. Now let's talk about scooby doo. Now that's a show!
It has atleast one robot with a TV head
oh and 3D!!!!
Thanks you guys though, I found many cool cartoons I had never seen.
Edit: Opps read your description backwards. (Thought it said robot head with television body)
Maybe Mighty Orbots:
But what I remember is a robot spinning while it got upgraded, the background had all this tech related stuff, mainly pipes and wires.
It was similar to the Centurions getting powered up.. POWER XTREME!
Hahahaha.... ohhhh sigh*