Hi guys. By now you've probably seen the greentooth head mask that has been painted and modelled.
I was thinking it might be fun to make a halloween mask this year of the same, and if there's any interest I'll post the instructions of how I went about it here.
Would be great to build up a army of these heads by polycount users, and put together some kind of gallery as an ode to the 'ol Greentooth.
(r13 & divii)


Zipper connects the domes, so you can take it on and off without making the "entry" hole too big, and is positioned vertically on the side.
From last year:
I only know about Tokyo, but they seem pretty universal.
Either that or ill make a creepy teddy bear mask where i get one of those teddy bear blanks crudley hollow it out and wear it as a mask.
24" ball
I could buy 3-4 cases of beer for that and would last me a little longer than just a couple hours (maybe)!
What if you had some buttons that you recessed into the foam and glued in. It would make for a less prominent seam. Would need some help putting it on of course. A zipper though would reduce the likelihood of damaging the outer shell (someone else pressing against the styrofoam to secure the buttons), and would be faster for putting it on and pulling it off. I dunno... just an idea. Shit, industrial velcro with adhesive backing (still glue it to be double sure) would still do the trick and may work better than a button or a zipper. Again, just another idea. Then again... lining up the velcro would be a bitch.
Zipper ftw.
oh yeah, I'm considering the 30" sphere which costs $85 and if I'm going to spend that much on it I might as well resin coat it so it's sturdy and will last a long time :P
cylinders = magnets or slotted things.
Anyways nice concept though.
Forget putting it on your head, carry it around headless horseman style, you might be able to light it on fire and throw it at kids... ahh good times.
Not just boobs, man. Cleavage. That hint of something more. Mmmm. :poly124:
...What were we talking about?
They make a pill for that now.
Thread went from legit discussion of the greentooth head thing to pillow talk to boobs to cleavage. It's an unexpected turn for a thread unless you've been visiting the site for a while hence the haters gonna hate image.
Should I remove the post or something?
I think we've just found another polycount meme here guys... humm...
ps: good luck with the mask, concept seems functional!
one request though, paint it with flourescant paint... would be the most epic thing in the whole fucking world to see a glowing polycount head walking down a dark street (make sure you're wearing black).
may be difficult to see being blinded by LEDs and smoke... but if it's all for show and you aren't going anywhere... plop down and start breathing in the pankcake smelling smoke machine air
just think it would be cool to see the eyes and mouth glowing with smoke coming out.
Whats wrong with talking about greentooth head thing for Halloween while pillow talks of boobs and cleavage?
Both of these topics can be legit you know?
Think about it.
Wow I never thought of it that way you're completely right
I know!
I even did a quick search on eBay and I only found one seller. They were in the UK and would refuse to ship to anywhere but the UK.
You'd think living in Asian country, these thing would be in abundance.
You could also go the Pepakura print out and assemble method too. It might be kind of cool to have it triangulated and faceted.