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Making a Nunchuck lightsaber.(WIP)

Hi I am new to posting on these forums but not new to 3d. I am currently attending my 3rd year of game development school(have only been doing 3d for one year). We got an assignment to make 5 weapons and make them look different power wise. So the first one would be the weakest and the last one the strongest. Anyways I made 5 different nunchucks and the last ones are lightsabers.

Here is the conceptart for the lightsaber.

And here is some work that i did on the first day.

And later that week I started to experiment with the light on the lightsaber. The effect thus far looks kinda toyish to me and if someone could reccomend a tutorial or know a way to do it I would be very pleased to hear about it.

So there it is I will update this once I get further and any cnc would be appreciated:)


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