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Hey all,

I'd just like to introduce myself :D

and Also I was wondering do you all use commercial 3D software like 3ds max/maya or do any of you use free software like blender, truespace, milkshape, rhino?



  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Smash, welcome to Polycount.

    I personally use Maya (non-commercial license), but at my new studio we primarily use Modo (but still prefer Maya). I also picked up a copy of Topogun the other week... HOT BALLS!
    As far as free software goes, I've never really played with Blender but messed about in Wings 3D about two years ago.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome aboard! I'm at work, got both max and blender open at the moment.
  • Christian Hjerpe
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    Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11
    Welcome Smash!

    I use 3dsmax, MotionBuilder and Mudbox. Actually I have never tried Blender but I think I have played around a little with Milkshape back in the days.
  • Smash
    Speedy replies! I like that haha thanks guys

    Good to know some people use blender and more, though everyone here would use max/maya, Ive been using blender for around a year now but i've been thinking a lot of moving on to max or maya but the whole 3D concept is still there obviously but its the shortcuts I just cant get used too haha.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    There are a bunch of people here at Polycount that use Blender exclusively. If it works for you, then there isn't much need to move onto a high-end package. It would mainly come down to what you plan on doing in 3D.
    • Are you just modelling?
    • Are you working towards becoming an animator?
    • Do you want to learn dynamics and particle systems?
    • Are you looking at doing some high-end rendering?
    • etc
    Based on the answers for questions like the ones I listed above, from there you can see which 3D package would best suit you, so you know whether it's worth investing your money buying it (unless it's free of course).
  • Smash
    There are a bunch of people here at Polycount that use Blender exclusively. If it works for you, then there isn't much need to move onto a high-end package. It would mainly come down to what you plan on doing in 3D.
    • Are you just modelling?
    • Are you working towards becoming an animator?
    • Do you want to learn dynamics and particle systems?
    • Are you looking at doing some high-end rendering?
    • etc
    Based on the answers for questions like the ones I listed above, from there you can see which 3D package would best suit you, so you know whether it's worth investing your money buying it (unless it's free of course).

    Basically Im actually just beginning my first semester at university doing games design. I model weapons and props mostly but I want to do level design and other things too (character modelling) I have used zbrush too and a little mudbox very fun software.

    I want high quality renders yeah but I can do that externally with yafaray once I finally get it to work -_- haha but yeah would you say If I was going to model for a commercial game company I would need to use commercial software?

    Thats all Im worrying about mainly, that people wont look at my work because I use non-commerical software, I'd just like to say that this seems like a great community too, didnt expect such helpful replies thanks a lot.

    Oh and of course this doesnt really apply if I was willing to set up my own little company which I am in the future hopefully!
  • Taylor Hood
    Welcome to the PC Forums! =]
    Sounds like you're doing just about everything. Pick one you're good at and work at it.
    Most of the time you aren't going to be doing level design and then going on to work on character art. They are two different things completely. Well, if the team is small you may get more creative liberties and get to work on some other stuff then that's good but for the most part the person sitting next to you is probably doing the best work he can do in a particular field and you'll be doing it in another. I'm not in the industry but that's just what I've heared.

    Good luck.
  • Smash
    Thanks a lot for the reply Taylor and about the "the person sitting next to you is probably doing the best work he can do in a particular field" yeah that is true but that happeneds in most media/creative sides of design and creativity sadly its a competitive business but I suppose thats why we all love it, doing what we can and getting it out there to show the world!

    I cant wait to work in a team of people in a company it excites me to think about it xD
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Hi Smash. To answer your questions,

    Q: What software do you use?
    A: 3DSMax, ZBrush, and Photoshop primarily, with Crazybump and Headus UVLayout used on and off as supplimentary apps.

    Q: Do I need to use commercial software for game studios?
    A: You need to be versed in whatever software a company uses that you work for so that you can at the very least use their specialised tools and plugins that relate to whatever engine they use. However, as long as your app of choice is free or low cost to for them and it doesn't disturb the established workflow most companies will let you use whatever you want these days.

    Q: Will people look down on my work if I don't use commercial software?
    A: Generally no, but you're more likely to get a job if the software you use is the same one the company uses because its assumed you'll be more likely to be able to hit the ground running when your brought in. But no matter what software you use the quality of your work will almost always be more important.
  • Smash
    Thanks PolyHertz

    I think I might dabble with Maya and Max just to give them a try again, I might like them in the end I just need to get used to it I suppose.

    Thanks again mate.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Hey man, usually it's not to hard that switch from one program to other so thats not a big issue, although companies to like it when you know a specific program that they use, as PolyHertz stated.

    I use max, only because thats what they used where I wan an intern and it was the program I switched to from Anim8or.

    So yeah man welcome!
  • Smash
    Thanks Eric and Xeno,

    I think Im going to start basic modelling with 3ds max and try and get up to scratch quickly, I know the material menu and other things will be totally new to me since blender doesnt have them!
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