Hey Everyone,
Just wondering if Warhammer online is worth to subscribe to for at least a month or two. A swell as if theres a good player base, or other various comments and information.
Me and a few buddies need a game to play while we have some time (in between college and other various media work, as we are all in a multimedia college program).
Obviously the game isnt as popular as WoW but, we all have played WoW aswell as many many many other games (rts', MMo's, FPS's) and got sick of not finding one game. We all played the Warhammer online unlimited free trial (to lvl 10) on multiple characters, and really like the pvp and scenario style, but aren't sure if it is worth spending atleast 15$ for a month to play on further.
Thanks Everyone!
As said in my post we did, we enjoyed it to that far. Thats why im asking to see how other players feel about the game, and how it progresses :P:P
Well. As far as i know it's not worth paying for. Most of the fun is apparently in t1 I hear.
I do agree the t1 is fun, i forgot to add i am a warhammer fantasy battle player (recently started a high elves army due to my friends playing it), and i love it, thats what draws me to the game even more.
Ive noticed tons of the game needs to be fixed here on the forums (notice that most of the that people that post still play the game, and u can find complaints across almost any games forum.) Also i noticed that theres less idiots and immaturity then on WoW.
The main problems with the game as far as I was concerned were the massive lag fests that was the endgame mass battles, and the way the game got much, much "grindier" at the end. Quite a few builds were next to useless, and balancing seemed to be done in a pretty haphazard, brutal way. Ultimately though, it was the lag that killed it for me. It was way too ambitious to expect to have close to a hundred players in a zone all interacting with each other. It got so unresponsive and unplayable, even worse if you were a pet class.
The (instanced) scenarios were the most fun and balanced part of the game. Lag free and relatively balanced.
If you're looking for a fun game, you might want to give Global Agenda a shot. It's a third-person shooter with persistant world elements and character progression. It's all instanced with balanced teams (well, up to a point), and it's a lot of fun. A one-time payment is all that's needed like Guild Wars, which gives you full access to all the current content.
I do know a lot of it has been added since launch for WAR, while some people dislike it, some people love it so like any game its pref. Actually one of my buddys who may start playing with me bought the game at launch and played for a while. When i got him to try the new trial, he said it was much much more better and intrigued him, however were not sure if its worth throwing away the 15$ but it could be a game we finally enjoy, at least for a while.
Edit: We are probably gonna wait, but id still like to see peoples opinions
I've been playing since beta, and still play, and those issues you describe are much better now. Honestly, the game is in better shape now than it has ever been. Lag and class imbalances are still there, but they're nowhere near what they used to be.
The biggest problem most people get is the huge brick wall you hit as soon as you enter T4 at lvl32. You're basically cannon fodder for the veterans, as you have rank32 people going up against rank80 people... which makes no sense. That's where the game loses a lot of people right now.
That said, if you're part of a guild and roll around in an organized group, it's not that big a deal.
Personally, I love the art in the game so that's another attraction for me.
Whether someone should play the game or not? I don't know, it's a tough question. I think it's a good game, the best PvP MMO out there (though that's not saying much), and I like it enough to pay for it. But it's a hard one to recommend to new people.
From what i heard there in the makes of a playable skaven race.
But according to 8th edition rules (warhammer fantasy) skaven are allies with the forces of chaos. Which would lead to order players being like wtf guys wheres our brettonians or wood elves?
Edit: which also leads me to the fact that the dwarves and (high) elves hate eachother ...
If there are populated servers, I highly recommend playing it. Especially if you get a crew of three or four people and charge around. I've been meaning to go back and re-roll one of these days.
Me and a buddy signed up for a month yesterday, only to find that we got an extra month free!!! very excited about that, and we may recruit 2 more people into our ranks (extra month for both of us).
Really excited to give the game a go, it seems like they merged a few servers for pop, but theres still quite a few and everyone seems to be well pop'd so i can only hope it goes well
Seems like most MMO's or RPG's in general, if you're a mage, prepare to have your face raped if your buddies aren't there to stop it.
there's a full scale rvr pack coming soon (not an expansion, really... just massive changes).
i still find the game fun, and don't really have many alts. my main character has been 80 and full sovereign for about 8 months now, and still having a blast.
be warned though, tier4 is an entirely different animal to tier1, it's a huge culture shock.
http://www.xfire.com/video/2dcff5/ vid of me and two mates running around in a zerged zone for lolz. (on my dok main).
What is your opinion on the game since the distro/maint of the game in no longer under GOA control? I don't know any other players that are overseas, so am unaware of how much better it may/may not be now that Mythic has a little more direct control there.
Just re-installed over the weekend, and looks like I missed out on the double xp.
I'm also excited for t4 and cannot wait
mythic are leaps and bounds over GOA in some ways, but lacking in others.
for example (and this is the strange thing) GOA customer service was, and still is percieved to be better.
they had a wildcard system where a player could rectify a mistake like... rolling need instead of greed on an item, and using a wildcard to have the item passed to someone else in the group (must be the original group of the same dungeon instance). or even if they transferred to the wrong server and needed it fixed.
players only got 3 wildcards per year.
mythic on the other hand, use the standard response "sorry, can't help you with that". for the same problems. they even deny being able to look at which players were connected to an instance together, which we know to be false.
however, server stability is better overall. there are only one or two server crashes since transferring to mythic, while with goa there were 3-4 per day. that said, mythic servers still come to a standstill when there's 350 people on each side trying to do keep sieges.
the realm rank cap is 80, being raised to 100 in the next patch.