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Infected Creature

Hi everybody !

This is my first topic on Polycount, I've decided to get rid off my "shyness".

This is a kind of monster infected by a virus which is gonna be my first hi res sculpt for my portfolio.
Sorry for concept, I usually just make a little dirt skecth on a sheet and go on in 3D, but this time I'd like to fix my idea before.
The head is too little on the concept, I've change it in the Zsphere mdl.

Any comments or crits are welcome ! Hope you'll like it.




  • [N]
    Here is the beginning of the base sculpting. The head seems to be too small but it's juste an impression as there is no jaw. The left arm need serious sculpting.

  • lampekap
    hi there , Looks like u know what ur doing, but I cant really see whats going on with the lower part of his and his lef
  • [N]
    As you can see in the concept, there is a "thing" which recover some part of his body. That's the virus which is eating the skin.
    The left arm has been grabbed by the virus too and so it's stuck to the torso.
    But for the moment i'm just trying to get a good general shape, as the virus gonna be add to the body.

    For the hips part, as i've never done tentacles i'm a bit lost... I'm trying to get a shape, which is a kind of normal hip, from where the tentacles are starting.

    Thx !

    Btw, i don't know if i'll do normal tentacles or something like a leg with some muscles. If anyone has already tried, let met now ;)
  • [N]
    I've been busy for a few days so i haven't finished the medium sculpt yet.

    The virus part and the tentacles are "finished" for this LOD. I'll just soften some parts of the virus side, coz it's too noisy.

    I've been working on the arm but it's really hard to get the good muscles on the right places when it's the first time you sculpt such a thing. When everything will be ok for this LOD, i'll go to the next level and make all the skin detail.

    Any crits on anything are welcome.

    Thx guys !


  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Interesting concept and start of your sculpt, I like where this is going.

    From an anatomical point of view the arm and ribs need a little work, particularly the shape of the underlying muscles for the arm and defining the ribs a little better. Look at body builders or some of the Dead Space stuff for good reference.

    I like how the tentacled mass of legs joins with the pelvis, and I think the veiny growth parts on the torso could go a longer way if you deepened the cavities between them and raised them up a bit to give it more of pop, and I know it wouldn't totally match the concept art but I think it would look better if some of the veiny growths spread over onto the other side of the torso instead of cutting off completely straight down the sternum. On the back you can see they're spread across pretty evenly which is good, more like that.

    And just personal preference, I think it would be neat to pull back some of the virus tentacles away from the covered half of the skull and have a big one coming out of the eye socket. :poly142: Besides that the skull shape is a bit soft and muddy, look at some human skull references to get the shape tightened up and better defined. It seems somewhat small for the rest of the body right now as well as malformed. (Assuming this was a human at some point.)

    Oh and I almost forgot. The most basic mistake in sculpting is focusing on the little details before you block out the basic forms. It might do you some good to move up a few levels and get away from the tendrils and nice details that are fun to do and get your basic shapes working (like the arm) before hand.
  • [N]
    Thx buddy !

    Yeah, i've really a problem with anatomy... For the arm it's already my third try but i'll redo it. I have some pic for the reference of the muscles, but seems I can't do it properly...

    You're right, this is too much squarish virus, which stop at this point and start on the other. I'll change this !

    I'll try on photoshop to see how it could look ^^

    One more time thx a lot !

    Edit : Agree with you for the skull, I didn't work on it for a long time, was busy with the 7 tentacles.
    For the size, everyone told me, but if you add a jaw, the creature is 8-heads tall. Which is what i'm looking for.

    I know but i've work a little bit on the hand after the tentacles, and completely forgot the arm. I'll go back to the inferior LOD and redo the arm !

    Edit 2 : thx ! I've got a fan :poly142: Huhu !
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    No problem! Welcome to polycount btw, I'll be following your thread. :)
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    hehe i was on this thread but never replied, but i was thinking maybe you could draw a dude a little bit hunched down, with a proper skull face to start off with, just forget his tentacles for now i think proper anatomy of your upper body is the way to start :) ill be following it as well! good luck ~_~
  • [N]
    Do you mean to make a skull and add it with in a sub-object layer ? Ok for the pose, but why do you want me to draw him ? I'll just rotate his upper body in ZB and go on.

    Thx for the crits. Update during the night I guess, hard to work after such a party night ^^
  • JGcount
    So, the following is a personal oppinion completely, and you can take is as you want:

    Often, when people say "so this is a RANDOM monster" what I often hear is "so, I dont wanna worry too much about nailing human proportions and anatomy". So you are making a monster which is being infected by somekind of symbiotic thing. Its kindof a monster with a monster on which could end up being...too much.
    I would find it way cooler if it was an actual human being infected since that creates a bigger contrast and therefore makes it more interesting/creepy. Also, actually deciding what "type" of monster it is makes it so much easier for you to find reference and for us to judge it. Is an apeish monster? What is the scale? Does it like Mozart?

    Looking at your sculpt it's obvious you are by no means a beginner, so this could turn out fine as far as I can tell - I just wanted to give my two cents.
  • [N]
    So here's the beast with a new pose and a new arm. I've also done a separate skull. I'll subdivide one more time the body and finish the detail all around the body, but before I'll do the skull.



    JCcount : I understand and agree with what you said. But for this creature, I just wanna have fun and see how far I was able to go with my knowledge of Zbrush and its tools to create a creepy-disgusting creature.
    The base was an human being who was used for some experience. I know it's a little bit light for a background but as I've said, it was just for fun so I'll continue on this way and finish it, I really wanna begin my new environment as fast as I can.

    Thx for giving your opinion, it's always really interesting to see what people think.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    At the moment it looks like you switched to a higher subdivion level to early as all the details you added so far look rather flat, maybe you should go back to a lower resolution and add a bit of depth to the sculpt
  • tex_cookiedough
    i agree with HAL about the details looking flat, i do like that arm though.. keep the updates coming :D
  • [N]
    I'll go down in res and add some low frequencies. Hope it'll be better ;)
  • [N]
    I've gone down and got an better shape ( i think). I've also worked on the shape and details of the tentacles to be closer to my vision of the creature.

    I'll finish the hand and do the skull tomorrow i guess.

    One more time any crits and comments are welcome ! Thanks guys !

  • achillesian
    Execution isn't too bad, but I think the concept could use some work, maybe something that has some more visible human anatomy, like instead of the tentacles being just tubes with details on them, make them have parts of legs or arms, and muscle tissue that grounds it more in real anatomy.

    Finding that happy medium between otherworldly and recognizable is tough sometimes.
  • [N]
    In fact, I wanna get some tentacles like octopus' ones but with human flesh on it instead of the usual "suckers".
    I think the texturing part will be really important to get what I want.

    Thx for the crits btw ! I agree, it's a little bit too "messy"
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Well its probably too late on giving a suggestion on the concept, but I guess it'll be nice if you use the concept of the left arm "merged" in to the body and eventually grow large especially the hand area and replacing the unknown tentacle at the bottom. And probably you can add a little legs extruding somewhere at the bottom telling that he never use his leg again to walk but use the overgrown left hand instead. Like achillesian said, a visible human anatomy will add some level of realism in to this creature. Just my opinion though :)

  • [N]
    In fact, I decided to get rid off the left arm quite fast to get a little bit more freedom on the virus part of the torso. As I've said I really wanna get some fun by doing something really disgusting and strange.

    I think you're right Revel, but I'd like to continue and finish this character asap. So I'll just go on this way.

    Thank you anyway for the interest to my work !
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