Team name:
Currently there is no team name.
Project name:
Messengers of God (Working Title).
Brief description:
MoG is a 3D tactical, 3rd person multiplayer shooter where players compete online in team based combat. Various modes of online play together with a well balanced pace to the action (Running & Gunning) versus Camping will create for a rare and rewarding player experience.
I'm looking for people who are serious about joining a team of like-minded individuals. What that means is: Maturity-- understands the project before making a commitment and following through on the decision to participate.
Target aim:
Multiplatform Linux, Windows, Mac
Polished, High Quality with Indie Feel
Create playable, working demo that can be pitched to publishers or investors for funding or self-publish finished game.
At this time there is no compensation, if *big if* funding is acquired then this can be considered a paid position. At that point things will go from being a Hobby project with loose deadlines to a serious contract with obligations for those interested.
Ogre3D for visual.
Bullet for physics.
OIS for input.
SBCL for glue/logic
Cross platform (Windows, Mac, linux, fbsd).
3D Character Artist(s) (Modeling, Texturing, Animating) - 2 spots
Right now we need a very talented 3D Artist(s) who, preferably can model, texture and animate. However if you are specialized in any of these areas and interested we would like to hear from you.
* Model 3D Characters with industry modeling software.
* Good use of surface topology and polygons as relating to animation and deformations.
* Texture / Skinning
* Animating Sequences
* Team Player
* Life Drawing/Classical Animation
3D Level Designer(s) / Environmental Artist(s) - 2 Spots
* Model 3D Environments with industry modeling software.
* Good use of surface topology and polygons.
* Texture / Painting / Lighting
* Attention to detail.
* Team Player
* Architectural Training
Team structure:
Myself- Level Design & Project Manager
JH - Story Writer and Character Descriptions - currently works for a MMO as producer/writer.
John - Character Concepts / Art Director
Erik - Programmer
Maloeran - Programmer
Alex - 3D Artist(Props/Environment)
Kevin - 3D Artist/Level Designer (Props/Environment)
Timur - 3D Artist/Animator (Characters/Textures)
Jon - 3D Artist / Level Designer
Wiki is Online for team members.
PM/Post Here/E-mail g a m e d e v m o g [ A T ] g m a i l
Previous Work by Team:
No previous work by team together but each has different experiences both professional and Hobby.
Additional Info:
Character Pose
The Holy Treaty Alliance (popularly referred to as the Holy Terror Network) is an international network of nearly a dozen independent, multi-religious terrorist organizations, chief among them: Jeish al-Mahdi, Aum Shinrikyo, and The Lord's Army. These groups have agreed to temporarily cease hostilities, pool their resources, and work together to combat the "secular, oppressive, and corrupt powers of the world."
Although the network's origins are shrouded in mystery, some believe that Richard Palmer, a well-connected former congressman and CEO of P3 Arms International, had a role in arranging preliminary discussions between the two individuals accused of being the masterminds behind the HTA-Abdul Majid al-Nasri, a dissident Libyan politician, and Takashi Ota, the disgraced CEO of Ota Technologies, a major R&D enterprise based in Tokyo.
Following weeks of investigations into an unprecedented number of seemingly related terrorist attacks on international targets, the UN Security Council convened for an emergency session to review findings and provide recommendations for facilitating communication between at-risk nations and deterring further attacks.
Although authorities identified several key perpetrators and terrorist organizations involved in the attacks, they were unable to uncover any information detailing the apparent links between the terror groups. In order to effectively combat this evolved and intricate global threat, the Security Council approved the creation of the United Nations Anti-Terrorism Unit (UNATU), an elite, multi-national strike force comprised of the world's greatest military, counter-terrorism, and intelligence specialists.
I'd like to hear from those interested or requesting more information.
We're looking for an Environment Artist to work on our first map and a Character Animator. Check our latest works in progress.
Link to YouTube Video of Finished Character
To join the team please PM , Reply here, or send an email to gamedevmog (at) g m a i l (DOT) com