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Do you weld low poly elements or not?

I am modeling in 3ds max a low poly chair to be used in a game . I have the bulk of the chair and the seat cushion as two separate elements right now. For models used in game engines what are the rules regarding welding or not welding elements together. Can you simply have one element pass through the other or do they need to join up.

I hope my question makes sense, thanks!


  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    As always "it depends" chances are that you can have intersected geometry, things you need to think about though if the game uses SSAO or something like that and the intersecting geo might affect the lighting. Best thing is to go and try it out.

    Sometimes it's not worth the trouble to have everything welded.

    and if you're able to hit the chair with something like a rocket then if you want the cushion to go flying it would need to be seperate since the chair and the cushion would need seperate physics applied to them.

    I hope I helped somewhat :)
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