Working on getting my portfolio presentable, but not sure how to.. present it, exactly. First I was trying to get really technical renders with MR, but then realized that if I'm working on a game asset it should be in a game engine. :poly142:
What would be the best way to present this? I was thinking a front, 3/4, back then texture sheets (they aren't too pretty though). Should I get rid of the floor?
Most demo reels I've watched where people are showing off characters they do a pause on front and side shots, followed by a rotation around the character.
And the character is standing on some sort of round pedestal.
Hope that helps
Also really kick ass creature you got there, freaky but awesome!
I completely forgot about a pedestal! I can't seem to bring more than one mesh into marmoset at a time, though.
Thanks for the help!
Just wanted to comment on the stummach.
It seems weird somehow that there isn't any specualr on that ripped skin thingie on his tummach. It makes it look flat when in reality it should have alot of depth.