3D Coat 3.5 Auto-retopology and other new features
Just noticed that new Automatic tool for retopology - christmas came early this year!

I've been doing my retopo in 3D Coat for awhile, but this new system is just god send - this will save countless hours for our team.
Works just like shown in the video. You get very clean meshes which either work straight away or are a great starting point to optimize even further by hand in 3D Coat. Works nicely with Sculptris - basic shape in Sculptris, then few clicks and you have a nice quad mesh to sculpt further in ZBrush/Mudbox...
I haven't been this excited since I first tried pelt mapping years ago!

Highly recommended for everyone who has to do retopo for sculpted highres models.
My workflow is to create a voxel concept shape then autoretopo then sculpt then autoretopo and clean at the end of the process to get your lowpoly. works great so far
True. But 3dc's other retopo tools are still available to clean up, i.e. blow the n-gons & tris and simply stroke or rebuild new loops or quads. I don't think auto-retopo was meant as an end all feature.
Yea am not expecting it to be a be-all end-all solution, but can always still hope for improvements in some areas
First one is without guides which is a mess but I guess ok for static stuff.
But the last one with guides is that not close to being usable for animation?
Needs better guides, IMO.
I personally think 3DC isnt going to change any games until the development focuses on making the existing features cohesive and stable. At the moment you cant even see a smooth shaded subD preview in the retopo room and there is no support for multiple materials in the paint room..
What it would be nice, is to have total control of what we do, defining the rings/loops and watching the results in realtime, and at least, working with different levels of detail and not with very dense meshes that need too much work of tweaking.
Wuuutttt??? "Wasted"?
You retopologized machine parts hard surface before? It's not just characters or creatures that you can retopo you know.
And 3dcoat has already other retopo tools similar to those in Topogun. This is just icing on the cake, a huge time saver....if you have it.
I've battled too much versus teens in Starcraft 2....with the voice chat off.