Hey everybody! This is a Female head sculpt Ive been working on for a little bit. Basically, what i want to do with this thing is to make it as realistic as i can, and make it game ready. I realize many of you could of gotten to this point in an hour or two, but this thing took me like half a day.... >.< Right now, im looking for any crits you guys can give me, and also some help. Am I at the point where i can begin adding fine details? Or am i still missing something? Oh, i also hope that using the mudbox basemesh isnt considered cheating?
WipEout, I wanna get as far away from that alice image as i can, lol.
Thanks everybody!
A lot of shapes also feel smushed. I feel you could stick out the nose and brow ridge a bit more, and you could strengthen the shapes of the mouth a bit more. The mouth also looks like it's a bit too much to the front, so maybe just pulling it back would help.