Because basicly everyone hates the bar of my current website and flash is a bad way to go with because of several reasons I will make a new simple html website.
new design:
first 3 are already click able.
Here is my old flash website:
Everything after the Eygtian Warlord is new.
Under extras is also a sculptures gallery with lots of unpolished stuff. New added there is everything after the womans head which is after the 3 green monster heads.
Hope you like the new stuff.
On a related note, im working as a freelance artist and looking for jobs, if your company is currently looking for help plz let me know.
Well-arranged static thumbnails are still the gold standard...
Can i get away with leaving the design of the bar but changing how its controlled? Making buttons on each end to scroll the bar for instance or a usual scoll bar below the thumbs instead?
If you want to give it another try, the trick is to enter the bar again where you left it, this way it doesnt jump to that other position. If your mouse position is at the left it will also jump to the thumbs at the left. Because its so many thumbs now it has become very quick, slight mouse position changes already make it move far.
There are often "click here for more" buttons under the images where you can find more information. It should be just my portfolio.
EDIT: Heh, Slum basically said exactly what I was said while I was typing
Also, it might be a good idea to put your name, website, and email address in the corner of every portfolio image. This way, if your work is saved they will still know who created it.
Took a bit to finally get my cursor over the cannoneer thumbnail..
Clicked it.
Waited a bit for the image to go through the little animation of it rendering...
Clicked on it for more....
Then a little pop-up came up for more images...(I thought my previous click was for more images)...then I clicked that.
Then a NEW tab opened up...disabling my "Back" button on my mouse and making me scroll up to close this new tab...(yeah...I know...I'm lazy) with the actual images.
That's too much, a simple thumbnail to a new page with all your images would have been more than enough.
Overall your work is really good, I just don't know how many people are actually going to sit there and go through the website, it's a bit frustrating.
I have nothing to do and even then I only really looked at 2 images...the cannoneer and the zombie head, which is pretty fucking awesome, btw!
Like most have said, just get rid of that bar, you're trying to sell your 3d not your flash skills.
The order is currently mostly chronological but the zombiehead is just at the end because he is so "gross".
yea simply doesnt work on a iphone and ipad.
will do something about that for the new version of the website.
thx, first one doesnt mentioning the bar!
yea, good idea
yea, the extra images on top of that hardcoded flash stuff is also messy.
hehe, try to start at the left
here is a site i really like.
this is how it would look as a actual page:
The thumbs should then open a very simple page with all the images/content belonging to that project or artwork.
@ Raul
looks nice but im not a fan of such huge "thumbnails".
@ Poffington
Looks good but having all the artwork simply on a page in fullsize is a killer if you would open it on a iphone or similiar and looks kinda lazy putting just everything on a page.
I will go with that design, maybe getting rid of the black borders around the thumbs though.
Also made a new arrangement for the thumbs and left some older work out there. The Gargoyle is already clickable. The content page is very simple so the artwork stands on its own. For the gargoyle i made a new breakdown image with texture flats and wire.
I think they are big enough to give a impression of whats behind it, more purpose they dont need IMO.
You gotta remember what this site is for, its not for showing off itself, but for showing off your work.
So I would say simplify to the point where you cannot simplify more, and focus entirely on the presentation of your work. Make the thumbnails bigger, so people see your work the instant they arrive on your site.
Important text straight away + stamped images + no thumbnails = Portfolio win.
Really!? Maybe he was just lazy.
I dont like to scroll through just huge images without any overview and then in contrast to that this really tiny text put on top of it. Its not user friendly at all, espcecially when you think about netbooks and other small screen devices. Also, you dont have a fast internet connection given everywhere.
Other then that it looks awesome, and you are a talented artist. I'm planing to redo my own portfolio as well since it is crap ('^^.) and I been thinking about something similar.
Of course this is just personal taste as what i like to see in portfolios , and Paul´s is a perfect example of one to me , but its all up to you , since its your portfolio
Dont think my portfolio is in any way fancy. I cant understand how 1 click on a thumbnail is already too much!? Are people already that lazy surfing in the internet?
I get the point though that its an advantage being able to see your resume instantly while being able to scroll through all your artwork in a matter of seconds without having to click anywhere. A bit sad to me if thats all. I think Pauls art is really great and IMO and it should have a real website, with a overview, where you can click stuff, get some information about artworks, breakdowns, menu, etc. and maybe also a bit of graphical design of the website.
If it looks messed up you need to reload the page.
Version from before:
Also added a simple menu to the content pages, so you will be able to click through all the artwork if you like. First 3 are working currently. Menu button is opening which is still the old website.
Stamped the main images now and additionally there is the email adress click able on every page.
The Gargoyle video is not reuploaded without the sound yet, does anyone know if i could also set the sound off with the youtube embedd code?