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Texturing levels..

polycounter lvl 9
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VPrime polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys I have just started creating some levels in 3d studio max for an iPhone game (with Unity 3D engine) and just wondering the best way about texturing?

I used to play around with Hammer/Worldcraft, Q3Radiant and various other BSP level editors from the past.. Because of this I think I am confused.
I used to just create a level, and then find/create tiled textures and basically just apply them and scale/ do what ever else is needed to make them fit.

Any ways, after searching these forums I notice a lot of people are no longer doing this (or at least they don't appear to be). It seems the way people are going now is similar to regular 3D models. Unwraping them and just placing/painting textures on the UV map.

So backt o my question. What is the best (or at least good) way of texturing levels for iPhone use (or just engines with out an actual level editor like hammer).

Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!


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