Ok, so i'm having some problem with my normals, i think. heres a picture of my High poly, UVW and Low poly. Do these normals seem appropriate? for the texture space and low poly? my friend keeps saying they look like webs kinda sucks... i just wanna know if im doing something wrong transferring them thanks a lot guys!
well, a friend of mine was saying that they look like webs instead of rocks or stones... he told me to put up a post... there was a problem which was the green channel being flip but i took care of that.
It doesn't look horrible, it looks like a stone wall. There is something a little off about it though. They all seem to have a uniform minimum distance between each stone, and some would sink into the mortar and probably come to rest directly on other stones?
These look more like stones you would use on the ground not really a wall or a hut. The stones looks like they where cut and glued to the side of the building just for looks? There doesn't seem to be much in the way of structural support coming from the stones, they're kind of suspended in the mortar with a little bit of minimum spacing between them.
i'll go back and work on them, it was something more aesthetic then a structural design but i wouldnt mind making it look like it works, lol. im just glad i wasnt going crazy with the normals, projections.
These look more like stones you would use on the ground not really a wall or a hut. The stones looks like they where cut and glued to the side of the building just for looks? There doesn't seem to be much in the way of structural support coming from the stones, they're kind of suspended in the mortar with a little bit of minimum spacing between them.
Doing some quick ref hunting for stone hut I dug up this
And this,
which looks a little closer to what you're shooting for, but the construction method is modern (1928) and they appear to be more for looks and less for function? At least the ones on the outside?
i'll go back and work on them, it was something more aesthetic then a structural design but i wouldnt mind making it look like it works, lol. im just glad i wasnt going crazy with the normals, projections.