Recently all the Role playing game topics have got me pumped up!
If you guys (and girls

) don't mind sharing some good games that are modifiable, so that when I'm playing the game I can start making models for it which I could use later. (if you catch my drift, not in a dirty way ofcourse...)
My computer is no Rancor, he is more like a... Bantha. It has big horns to plow through, but doesn't look to... agile.
What I'm trying to say is that I am running:
Vista x64 (back off I don't have enough to upgrade yet.)
AMD Phenom X4(quadcore) 9600
2300.1 core speed
4096 MB of DDR2 Memory
ATI Radeon 3200 onboard GPU (Wow I need atleast a 5770.)
Don't hate 
So as you can see this Bantha needs an upgrade, which I cannot provide since I aint got no cash flo (school eats it up).
So... if you guys don't mind recommending me a game? Really though I am not biased towards the RPG genre, anything fun that will keep me occupied. Thing is I have already played Oblivion (GOTY edition) and a bit of Fallout, although I wouldn't mind going back, but I'm not sure if my PC can run those games.
So Please PC, pimp my... nevermind..
I used to play AoI 3 on max
I heard about this game, it was from the makers of Diablo? Awesome suggestions I am looking into it RIGHT NAO!
Yeah, but a few guys who worked on the original Diablo games formed their own studio, and made torchlight.
Runic was formed by 2 of the 3 founders of Blizzard North, creators of Diablo I & II.
lulz, Tanka beat me to it.
Thats again PC.
Shub Niggurath demands it.
Quake 1? ahaha
Holy mole-e, I must get oblivion again!
Is Oblivion modifiable with steam? I heard that It wasn't then I heard it was from my other friend.