OMG! I got Introducing Mudbox 2011 book and the first chapter lead us into creating an egg, an 1.5 million polygons egg, so you can use it later to create and export maps to use on a low poly version, but man! I am now in the painting process and it got 1GB of memory.. a simple egg! O.O
What about a character' s face, armor, or a very high complex object? I ask because I upgraded my computer's memory to 4GB and that is its limit but, if an egg is so memory consuming.. I' ll soon have to get a new computer..
Is there any solution to optimize memory consumption when sculpting high frequency detail in Mudbox?
The system memory (your 4GB) is what is being used to store the geometry subdivision levels.
during painting or sculpting..?
are you using large sculpting brushes at 1,5 mio..?
sli wont affect mud or maya...
only if you are using gpu renderer...
Mudbox sometimes will run VERY slow on some meshes (to the point of being completly unusable), But i don't know if theirs a consensus on exactly what causes this. Does it run very slow for you on the default meshes that come with it at those division levels as well?
Also last I checked consumer gpus were not officially supported by Mud.
i7 3.5 ghz
32 ram DDR4
8 Gb XFX R9 390