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Zbrush 4 not working on Win7 Pro x64

polycounter lvl 15
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DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
Is there any previous version I can get for zbrush, because zbrush 4 doesnt work on win 7 64 bits at all..It was working the first time I installed it and activated it, but now it just shows the error message box "zbrush 4 stopped working"

anyone know how to fix this?

Also the troubleshooting the one that comes with the software have the same stated problem,

I have tried everything. I wanted to know if anyone have found a fix for this...



  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    I don't have a tip except post on pixologic support account for assistance from them.

    I am running it on win7 pro 64bit, have had zero problems, maybe something else in your rig is wonky?

    Good luck!
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks..The problem was, there were 2 wintab.dll files indicating that I have installed wacom tablet 2ice, so I uninstalled both of them and it worked fine. Than I installed one wacom tablet driver that was required and it works fine up til now.

    Now I have run into another issue. The place where it should say "Zmapper" on the top right corner it says projection.

    I cant find zmapper fix anywhere..Still looking.

    This thread is for any intel I can get so I can start reading tutorials once I have the entire zbrush fixed. I have no idea why it shows projection but not zmapper. =\

    Thanks for reply though :)
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    There is no more zmapper, it was removed in previous versions
    ZMapper is not going to be updated to version 4. The reason for this is that as of version 3.5 ZBrush natively has the features that ZMapper made possible, and actually gives you more control as well. ZBrush's native normal map calculation routines are superior to those used by ZMapper, which results in better quality maps. Below is a list of the key elements that ZMapper was used for, and why those are no longer needed.

    1. Preview of Normal Maps. The problem here is that different rendering engines handle normal maps differently. This is why there are so many different settings for normal map creation. What that meant was that often times a map that looked fine in ZMapper looked bad in the rendering engine that was actually going to be used. Other times, a normal map would often look bad in ZBrush, leading the user to believe that it was a bad map despite the fact that once applied in the target rendering engine it would actually have been perfect! It is therefore more desirable to always view your normal maps in the actual engine where they will be used. GoZBrush will make this extremely easy for many programs -- as simple, in fact, as clicking a button.

    2. ZMapper required OpenGL, which some graphics cards do not support. This was in fact part of the reason ZMapper was never able to be adequately implemented for the Mac. The native ZBrush normal map calculation features do not.

    3. Projection of Details from a High Resolution Mesh to Different Topology. This was actually the main reason why ZMapper was developed in the first place. However, thanks to the projection features that now exist in ZBrush (the ZProject Brush, as well as Tool>SubTool>Project All) you can now do such projections without needing ZMapper. What's more, you have much more control. Project All has settings that you can use to refine your projections. The ZProject brush lets you project specific areas. Masks can protect parts of the model from projection if you know that they will create problems. After projection, you can also clean up the results before creating your normal map. (With ZMapper, what it gave was what you got. You had no way to refine your results.)

    4. Ambient Occlusion Maps. This is now natively possible in ZBrush. The same is true for Cavity maps. Both types of maps can be created through the Tool>Masking menu, which also provides settings to refine the results. Once you're happy with the mask you can then convert it to an alpha so that it can be exported to your desired rendering engine.

    5. Presets. ZMapper had a preset feature that let you define the normal map calculation settings with a single click. But so does ZBrush 3.5! Simple record a macro where you set the necessary values. Once saved you can recall the macro with a single button click. You can also share it with friends and can even assign a hotkey to it.

    ZMapper was an excellent plugin, and it served its purpose admirably. But the bottom line is that it was created to provide features that hadn't been built into ZBrush at the time. That is no longer the case, and everything that led to the need for ZMapper has now been directly integrated into ZBrush. Does this mean that pipelines will need to be changed? Certainly! But it also means that you now have more control and will be able to get better results than were ever possible through ZMapper.
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