Hi all,
I just finished this 3D environment; it was a modular construction project inspired by the Long Room in Trinity College Dublin, and was built from scratch using all original content created in Maya, Photoshop and UDK over the course of 95 hours during a 2 weeks span.
All screenshots and stills are taken directly from the level in UDK and are completely unedited.
Scene information:
11,533 triangles
696,882 instanced triangles
8 x 1024 texture maps (4 diffuse maps w. alpha channel spec + 3 normal maps + 1 grayscale map)
Are there no lights in this library? Its relly dark in there, the scene needs more light composition alongside the godrays trough the window. You really need to expolit the UDKs lighting abilities, the scene really need more atmosphere. Would be really cool if you could see some dust particles in the godrays that come trough the windows.
Thanks for the comments; I revisited the scene a little while ago with some feedback i received - working on lighting opportunities and getting the scene a little more populated.
@Jungsik the lighting was relatively straight forward. A DD for the sunlight and then subtle point lights without shadows for fill.
I feel like the art is right, but the lighting is really not at level you'd expect it to be. The result is that your art end up looking less good than it could.
The fog is too strong or too green-saturated at the moment, and the scene is missing some pools of lights to create contrasts and draw your eye around.
I like the atmosphere of the library.
The only critic I would give is the repetition. Put more variation on the books cover so they don't look the same everywhere. Otherwise, great job!
some breakdowns of modular bits would be awesome
can i see how you did the lighting?
@Jungsik the lighting was relatively straight forward. A DD for the sunlight and then subtle point lights without shadows for fill.
Nice work so far!
The fog is too strong or too green-saturated at the moment, and the scene is missing some pools of lights to create contrasts and draw your eye around.
The only critic I would give is the repetition. Put more variation on the books cover so they don't look the same everywhere. Otherwise, great job!