Without going too much into the story or game play, what do you want to see done or done better in video games?
Better animation?
Cooler shaders?
Better audio (Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes)?
Better lighting?
Innovative controls? (better feedback than vibration, move/kinetic)
Anything else?
That's probably it. Although actually, I would also like to see large crowd simulations with your actions making an actual difference in the "world".
Them models can have millions of polys, textures can be 9000+k pixels, but if the skeleton upon which this art goes onto is lacking and lifeless, no amount of technical finesse can make the game more immersive.
Cooler Shaders - always, I shaders.
Tessellation - seems cool what detail can be had but it isnt high on my list of things I want.
Better audio - I think most good games have great audio and I tend to not play bad games. Games like God of War, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Blizzard everything are great examples.
Better Lighting - Biggest thing I would say I want. So many games have flat boring lighting. Lighting ties everything together and can make or break an entire environment. Love hyper-realstic lighting with nice contrast/color. Much better then boring flat real life and most games lack a good lighting punch.
Innovative controls - No
3D - No
Mocap by Voice Actors - As seen with Uncharted having your actors who do the mo-cap and voice acting at the same time out classes far and beyond any pre-recorded voice over acting.
Effects on the world - Things you do actually effect the world around you from even small choices. Things like oh im super evil everyone's afraid of me is lame.
barring that I'd also like to see better lip sync and more complete implementation of that Euphoria physics stuff in regular animations and not just for rag dolls, I'm really tired of 3rd person walking/jumping aniamtions that are really stiff and canned as opposed to reacting to the environment and "weight" of the character. Stuff like the whole "floating" up and down stairs animations drive me crazy.
also i'd like to see bethesda make a game that doesnt fucking hate every computer I own.
Better storytelling. A lot of people hate game storytelling and skip over it, sometimes for good reason. I personally like getting a story in games and even the best ones out there right now are not at the level of books and film. Bringing in more dedicated writers might help or just making different kinds of games around storytelling. As it is, most games are about saving the world and the princess and they suit that. Perhaps they need to use the interactivity and gameplay to help tell your own unique stories. Something like Shadow of the Collosus comes to mind. Not a lot there in terms of narrative but by the end you feel like you've had a great adventure.
More digital distribution. I really like digital distribution as both a lazy ass and someone who doesn't care about physical media. More money to devs, less ways to abuse used copies and with services like steam, you have them forever. They won't get lost during a move or traded in.
Something I like about games right now is the focus on indie devs and games. I'm really liking the accessibility of indie games, on console, PC and phones; lots of great stuff there.
No 3d. I am not into home 3d at all. It's alright in theaters where the screen is large enough to fill my range of view, but on home tvs and smaller screens I think it's dumb and doesn't add much to the experience.
More PC gaming in the future or consoles that will be upgradable so we don't get stuck using the same tech for 10 years.
Dear lord this. Fallout 3 makes me cry because of the horrific lighting.
Also everything else mentioned in this thread.
Also where is my Ghoul 3 technology Raven B|
The more I think about it, the more this probably has to do with what Racer said. Really innovative, interesting games seem to be the product of one madman, or the Japanese, who may or may not be one madman. Sadly, I'm not in love with the style for the most part. The horse-by-consensus that is the modern AAA title is inevitably going to be fodder for the masses and stylistically stunted.
You got 5 years, go!
Or I have no clue!
Pm.me for copyrights! and the rest of the story. lulz
slightly O.T.
Should also add In studios, no more lay offs and actual hirings.
Just my opinion.
As Artifice said, "innovation is rarity". Why? There are over 1000 artists on this forum that could easily think of 10-100 unique ideas... rather than asking the ARTIST they ask the marketing... are you fu... anyways.
What I would like to see is more games with amazing audio (songs and dialog), maybe some cool lighting, why not? Also more quality work! If it takes you 2-3 years to make a game that doesn't sell.. your doing it wrong. Most of what I wanted to say has already been said. Thanks PC!
Ahhhhh I'm really giving up on games recently, I don't play anything. I just don't know why people in some western countries don't reverse engineer things, either it be programs or hardware. THATS how japan leads in technology, they see something great, buy it, see how it works, make it better.
Get with it.
I love gritty realistic shooters as much as the next guy but I want those crazy N64/ps1 platform/adventure games back. I feel like games these days are heading into more of a "simulation" type of deal.
check this out for future audio tech.
Idealistic views: It would be great if even more tools were developed that would allow AAA polish to be in the reach of indie developers. People who can be motivated into creating games without the purpose of maximizing profits by appealing to specific demographics of consumers.
Things seem to be going pretty well so far. Carry on.
I think ti was mentioned in the OP.
That was REALLY impressive. I'm not sure the revolver reverb that sounded a bit like noise was exactly pleasant, but everything else like the footsteps, the reverb was absolutely great.
Being a HL2 modder it's also pleasing to see it work on Source.
That would be nice!
So in other words more dynamic puzzles like shadow of the collossus bosses and hl2's gravity gun.
just please go away from the boring tropical islands, the player has seen like a dozent times.
No automatic regeneration option.
No Facebook similiar connections in the games Im always wondering whats so interesting in writing a automatic sentence ; playing game x for now x hours and won x?
I want to see more uniqe caracters even if people are moaning because it is new and a bit different from the general caracters.
First time I played the game, I never went north, because there was some nasty army border guys there, but my second play I went there, pissed them off and I ran away, only to return to the village later on and discover that it had been taken over by the army guys. Totally unexpected.
Thanks for the link - I haven't heard (har har) much about this, interesting read.
Personally, I'd like to see more widespread implementation of more intelligent radiant AI systems. I think it was in a Guild Wars 2 article or interview that someone mentioned a hypothetical scenario where you rob a store one day, then a few days later the store goes out of business - that would just be too awesome.
Even if graphics tech stood still for a few years (har har), I think better radiant AI would add so much potential to a gaming experience if implemented well and not just bolted on. I'd wager it would be really well-received by gamers in general too, as well as being a major selling point for all those poor suits and marketing folks.
Oh, and better lip-synch, natch.
nothing makes me delete a demo faster than annoying controls.
Reasonable speech synthesizers, characters that behave, that dont just run at the player and that have the minimum intelligence of an insect(that would be something).
I'd like to see developers stop making the same game they made ten years ago over and over again. Developers to approach even a tiny bit, pushing the boundaries/innovating, and make games that arent corridor shooters(even games that arent corridor shooters are because you are only allowed to go down that corridor).
What happened to games like Deus Ex why arent we playing in whole worlds where you have a million choices?
Fun gameplay that doesnt make me want to throw the controler after 30 mins.
no more b movie fmv that you cannot skip.
Seriously. There are (supposed) professionals that sit around and make these decisions. Like a fat chick in spandex, at some point they had to say 'yeah, this is a good idea'...and they're just wrong, over and over. I've spent years trying to understand where these people get their justification, but I really can't grok it.
Depends on what you mean with practical, since I can see certain practical uses with that outfit when doing certain activities.
I find the portrayal of male protagonists in video games to be equally insulting to be quite frank.
Personally Id love to see more games focusing on story and characters, divergent and meaningful plot threads really make a game for me. Even the little differences importing a save into MassEffect2 made, really improved the game for me. Knowing that my decisions would have broader consequences into the next game made me consider things more and increased the tension in some situations.
The world isnt black and white its shades of grey and I would rather play a game that has multiple options that isnt limited to Evil, Good and Neutral. Make the choices less obvious what is good or bad. In reality you cant know if a choice is always going to be good or bad so it would be cool if sometimes you get options where it makes it unclear what will happen until you choose or the opposite happens of what you thought would.
Also more real impact on the world with your choices. Lets say this one town loves you because you helped save them from a dragon but the blacksmith hates you because one mission you tricked his son which lead to his death by the dragon. And the town across the way hates you because you didnt bring the dragon and its treasure back to there town. idk stuff like that would be pretty cool I think. No more oh hey im the good guy everyone loves me crap.
I don't know about that - any female gamers around here with a view on the way men are portrayed in games?
True for some types of games more than others. Certainly of the AAA action titles with muscle-bound manly men - COD, Gears of war etc. but then I don't think people play those games looking for depth of story and character. If they did I'm sure they would be sorely disappointed.
Gameplay plz .... We can see better graphic and sound but the gameplay does not improve that much.
Some even downgraded.
For example as fighting game fan, was many people don' t want to move on to more interactive gameplay
My childhood dream [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1cHynIXweE[/ame]
Is to play fighting game with interactive environment. It's pioneered by wrestling game but always being overlooked.
Completely OT, but - I just love this scene:
Street Fighter DM with mele weapons would just kill.
Graphics, AI, and physics seem to me like they should be equal pillars of immersive game play. The graphics part is becoming pretty damn amazing, but the other two pillars hardly feel like they have changed in the past decade.
Edit: And can we move past hit points while were at it? That was a silly abstraction invented for pen and paper RPGs, and even pen and paper RPGs have been trying to innovate in that area for many years. Meanwhile, video games cant come up with anything more interesting than health packs, power-ups, and recharging shields.
There is no excuse for Dwarf Fortress to be so far ahead of big budget games in all of these areas!