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Afghan / Kabul City

polycounter lvl 17
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michi.be polycounter lvl 17
I have another project going on which I would like to show so far in todays snapshot.


My current job is to produce 7 city buildings with complete props and city set like pavement, vendor carts and so on. Goal is to take some beauty renders to show the capabilities of the engine as good as possible plus what can be done from an artistic point of view in a given timeline. Final images should look like a street in Afghanistan and all assets should be extendable to produce a mission area later.


At the moment the building texturing is done but misses a complete decal pass with dirt and grime plus the street stuff and props of course. I'll also try some GI pass at the end of the project and see what I can archieve. For the moment I'm doing attachments for the buildings and distribute them.
I have one and a half week left until deadline.


I need to do a lot of cables along the buildings and use splines but a more automated manner would be cool too. The Soulburn scripts (or was it haywood, hehe) have some Wire script which is nice but maybe more for longer wires. I also tried reactor but it looked a bit strange. Maybe I'll mix the three methods a bit until I doscover a tool with a "make-a-nice-cable-button".


I use Leadwerks Engine again for this project which features pureLight now, so 'll test it against Mentalray baking workflow.


  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    I like it very much!

    Reminds me of the buildings we made for Insurgency (www.insmod.org). oohh those great times...

    You could definitely use some decals to break texture repetition and give your buildings more depth (you could maybe even fake some AO with decals?).

    Take a look at Fallout 3 environment assets, they make great use of decals.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I think your textures are good but your environment's geometry is very basic shape. I see alot of square shapes and perfect lines. Dont be afraid to use more polys to break up all of the straight lines.

    Just adding a little more detail to the mesh will help you break up the tileing as well.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    i use to stay with straight lines until the onjects are done, then i add additional stuff and pull some vertices. if i do it before i will have to spend more time matching UVs later.

    Minotaur0 what do you mean by giving more depth? Using AO and decals or additional geometry in front of the buildings?

    I could use vertex painting for adding faked AO shadows or a secondary texture. Baked GI is also possible but bound to a material In Leadwerks.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Some small update. Played a bit with colors and desaturation in photoshop while doing a screenshot from a strange angle.


    Will post more when first city blockout is done. :)
    Still just diffuse maps and no baked lighting by the way.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    It's a good start. The building textures look fine but the models look too boxy. Also the text on the windows look like you've just typed in some letters and then used an arabic font. They're horribly misspelled.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    You are right Goraaz. I just copied letters which looked nice from arabic version of wikipedia. So I made sure to copy stuff which isn't insulting or political. If you know a nice source of arabic/english translation stuff just tell me. I won't use it for this project but for sure for the next one.
    I have no idea about arabic text. Additional geometry will ne added later or some normalmaps.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Karzai Approved!

  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Some of the saturation levels on the signage are a bit high. Expect high amounts of sun bake with these materials. Buildings are looking great!
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    Karzai Approved!


    Durk Durka, Bak a Lak
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    After some more work on the city I'm coming to an end. Made props today and placed wires. Tomorrow there is some more modeling on my To-Do list plus the final Leveldesign. I would love to see the level poppulated with cars and people but this was (unfortunatly) not part of my task.

    I also had some fun with panorama images. So I just took screenshots with "print screen" key pasted into Photoshop and let "Photomerge" (it's part of Photoshop) do some work. I had to cut the result because of roundings on the merged screenshots. Thats why it's so small in height.

    Those tryouts had the background of doing very high-res screenshots suitable for print media in A1/A2 format or 10.000k pixels. I can render the buffer to a screenshots so I also get nice AA if I crop the image later since Leadwerks offers no AA in version 2.4 but will in 3.0. :)


    For just one try it's not bad so I decided to share the result plus you see the current project state. :)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    good but not quite cigar time
    1 add the vertex baked ao it will help no-end...
    2 more decaled edges and/or chamfer the edges slightly as everythings too sharpe...
    3 more wires...along walls etc and more drains pipes and general stuff...washing lines, tarpaulins covering windows cloth etc can really help break up the "tooo square" environment
    4 lots of work to the ground ;-)
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Looks nice Mike.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Could be a very fun game level man, wicked awesome!
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks guys.

    Shepeiro you are absolutly right with your suggestions.
    How Can I bake AO to vertex? I had the same idea but wasn't able to find a good guide.
    I don't want to go to crazy with the wires and cables but some curtains and maybe cloth lines won't hurt. But I have to concentrate on the ground for now.

    EDIT: Found it in the Wiki. I should have searched on Polycount first then on Scriptspot or other sites....
    Works very well with the vertex stuff!
  • Bruno Afonseca
    looking good!
    the bent concrete on the building at the second screenshot bothers me a lot :(
    and some shapes are a bit hard to make out, due to the lighting. left side of the street looks good, right side is a grayish noisy mess. but good work so far!
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Indeed I noticed it too. There was only the ambient on one corner which makes all looking flat in the shadow. With the vertexcolor AO there is more depth now plus I got a bit more blue intothe ambient. I'll post new screenshots this evening after finishing the curtains and closing some windows.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    The work is done and the project has been passed over to my client today.
    Thanks for the kind feedback and hints! :)

    Snippet from my company website:

    "The city environment of a sub-urb in Kabul was done for "serious gaming" purposes which simply means a simulation of tasks in a save environment like a flight simulator. Our task was to develop seven buildings with complete additional props setup. The client will add vehicles and people with his simulation editor to fill the environment."

    Doing the project was pretty much straight forward. Collecting references, thinking about what buildings would make sense. Extracting textures - mostly for billbaords - from the references. Other textures are from CG-textures. I also used the decals from there which saved me a lot of time. After doing the assets all stuff has been added into Leadwerks Editor. Last thing was light setup and a small surrounding mountain terrain like Kabul has.

    I tried to get as much of the overall feedback into the project but time is money sometimes and I had to finish the stuff in time. Overall project time from start to finish was about 2-3 weeks. I would love to see add people and cars which would make the streets alive but it was not my task.

    Enough writing, some screenshots:






    I hope I can show some new work soon but have only NDA work coming up which is more CG rendering related. So it will be quiet for some time from now. :)
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Watch the repeating on the barriers, might wanna rotate a few to avoid the repition. Loving it otherwise.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    this turned out solid. Gives me inspiration to finish a similar scene I am working on. Nice job!
  • duxun
  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    Those fish and rabbits are awesome! Some really great work.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Aye! It's Leadwerks 2.4.
    The rabbits are freelance work of Bartek Rydel who I really can recommend if you have some character or animation work to give away. THe fishes are my model and I'm very proud of it. My first "character" model, lol ;)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    coming together nicely in the latest shots...

    the ground still needs a ton of work...

    the pavements ok but maybe adding a ton of rubbish decals would help... but the road is way too clean... for starter sthe tarmac feels too dark and not dusty enough, it needs to be broken up a touch more with side roads being dirt and pay alot of attention to the roads edge with dirt broken tarmac and concrete etc...

    also hot dusty places tend to water down the roads in the morning to stop the dust... a few grimy puddles here and there in the road edges and potholes etc would look ace
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    litter will be added by client and it's hard to do lots of dirt and puddles with 5 terrain textures and no decal support for terrain. :(

    but you are right of course. :)
  • Smash
    I'd love to play this concept it looks amazing! very very nice work.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
  • roblutz
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    roblutz polycounter lvl 7
    I've been collecting source images for this kind of scene, this is great. I like that the buildings aren't all large and stacked, the afghanistan scenes ive seen are very boxed in and dense, but this captures the thrown together ramshackle areas very well. love the details, you should throw some hanging meat in there : )
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Here's the YouTube video, just round it up: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz6UFZ8U0Mw[/ame]
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the great responses to our new released project! After some considerations about the assets of the Kabul City it's now available for sale. The possibility to release such high-quality assets to the community is very rare because of the nature of contracts.

    There are 25 models in total - including 7 buildings and 18 props - for only 89,95 EUR. This is only 3,59 EUR for one model. The offer is limited until 10th of October so make sure to save your 40 EUR now because after this period the Afghan City Environment will be 129,95 EUR.

  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Christ, Somebody ban this joker! Polycount is for encouraging developing artists and allowing those with lot's of industry experience to spread their knowledge, not a place to sell mediocre art. You have an over developed sense of self worth if you think this is AAA.
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    Well what stands against letting assets not rotting away on a harddrive? Take a look at Turbsquid. People are making money there. Please show me the definition of AAA too. I'm curious if it's on Wikipedia or a dictionary. Thanks.

    If an Admin tells me to remove, I will remove. :)

    Just about AAA. You throw around with it on your portfolio as well.
    You think this is AAA quality?? (From your page)

  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    While he may have been quite harsh, your textpraise and overdone discount advertisement is kinda, well....meh

    I've been always a fan of your work, but that post is just...well...it sounds like you spammed this on 100 forums to get some free promo. I know you make a living out of this, it just seemed out of place in this very special polycount forums. Don't know if this is kinda contra-productive for you in the end :/
    There's an Eat3D thread in here every once in a while and other great releases that cost real money, but these people kinda make it more delicate, while yours is just "BAM-slamintheface" - even the red sticker is just pathetic in any possible way. Maybe you can tone down the priceisright/wheeloffortune-attitude and come over more professional in your advertizing ?

    I don't know, just a thought :)
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    well you are right. its a bitmuch in the text. english isnt my first language so i think im going overboard with texts some times :) i csn write slick german marketing stuff, but of course im posting company work in alot of forums to get different feedbsck but also exposure. there isnt a reason to just stay on one forum in the world wide web.

    i think the time has come to simply ask people about the texts before i post ads. :)

    also removed the picture. ;) thankf for the professional feedback on this.
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