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Apps and Androids


Has anyone here worked on any Iphone/Android games? either small or large scale productions?
Just interested to hear what your experience has been like from an artists point of view.



  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    hey I work for neonplay ( http://www.neonplay.com ) making apps and I am the only artist at the company so Ive got a few apps under my belt now :). Its not too difficult really, just keep polycounts low and textures in power of 2 and remember that you probably want to keep the game low in size so that people can download it anywhere so you may only have like 2048x1024 worth of texture space for the entire game for example. Also worth noting is that you will probably need to make your textures at twice the game rez just in case you decide you want to make an ipad version of the game later or something. Something that can be time consuming is that the iphone3 has a 480x320 screen whereas the iphone 4 has a 960x640 screen res so you end up needing 2 versions of every flat 2d image eg buttons, illustrations, achievement icons etc.
  • pixelmitherer
    Hey Ged,
    Cheers for the reply, interesting!
    Just out of interest, you said you were the only artist; how big is a team? and how long does an average project take to complete?

    Are your games available on Android as well? as that's a whole other 'can of worms' for screen sizes i'm sure.
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    no problem, our team is currently 5 people but we are looking for a designer and occasionally use freelancers for projects, Im not sure what an average project is yet, Ive only been working there 3 months or so but weve released 3 or 4 apps in those 3 months so Im guessing average turnaround would be a month or so. Our games arent currently available for andriod or what spec that requires, dont know what the future plans are yet for that, Im just the artist heh.
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