Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Hey, i guess i'm the FNG here.

Pretty new to polycount myself and thought i would start off by makin myself known for the 3D i make.

ill start off by presenting my best piece yet.
and heres my second

since im still in the works of poly reduction the angel now at 20k poly but still dropping nonetheless.
the psycho robot is not my idea but i made it in 3 dimensional out of pure fun. He's also at 9k polys

i've only been a 3D animator for about 11 months and attended the Monroe institute of technologies.

so yeh hope you all like =/


  • Muzzoid
    Offline / Send Message
    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    First of all man loose the 3d typography and photo clouds, they make your work seem cheap.

    The models seem pretty decent, but i get the feeling that they are mostly alot of primitives stuck together? Could we see some wireframes so we can comment properly.

    These do look like a good first foray into the 3d :).

    So what does fng mean...?
  • HonkyPunch
    Offline / Send Message
    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    i'd imagine fucking new guy, or something.
    but, yes the angel thing looks pretty good but agreed on the clouds and text.
  • BlvdNights
    Offline / Send Message
    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    You got a way before you're known around these parts, young'n.

    Your work is alright though.
  • VidGameDude
    well thank you all for the comments and taking the time to type out your thoughts.
    i will say this about the backround for the angel is terrible.
    i cant texture unless its the built-in one for 3ds max but other than that, it was the best cloud backround i could find without watermarks = /

    but again thanks!
  • Razgriz
    Offline / Send Message
    Razgriz keyframe
    The models look good, but presentation, color, and texturing are huge weaknesses. I strongly suggest getting familiar with game asset workflows, and don't worry about polycount much until you at least are unwrapping and texturing models decently. Right now its pretty evident that theres uv stretching on your arch-angels spike-sword-thing, and the environment for both just isn't working.

    As others mentioned, posting wireframes would help us better assess your modeling abilities.
  • raul
    Offline / Send Message
    raul polycounter lvl 11
    hey man! great start, you still got a 10,000 miles to go! So keep it up!

    One thing i will say, is...DUDE LOOSE THE FONT! It so hard to read behind all the crazy backgrounds.

    That angel guy, reminds me from the Redeemer angel from spawn. Is that where you got your ideas from?
  • VidGameDude

    no not really, i never heard of that but i have seen spawn series.

    in truth it came to me when building a piece of crap body then i built off from their =p
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