Just noticed I don't have any WYSIWYG going on in the post/reply editor. Checked to make sure it's set in my CP settings. It is.
Seems to have been in effect the last few hours. Anything up with the forum that's messed this up?
*EDIT* Not sure where this was supposed to go, so I threw it in general discussion. Please move if it needs to be elsewhere

What browser?
Have you tried it in other browsers?
Clear your cache and cookies and try again?
Try creating a new account and see what you get?
That being said, I changed my setting, and the WYSIWYG editor is working for me
Might be worth mentioning that I switched to using Chrome, from my trusty Firefox, today.
Wonder if that's the spanner in the works...
*EDIT* Very curious...It works fine in Firefox (3.6.8 ), but doesn't in Chrome (6.0.472.53), and the "Switch editor mode" button's missing from the top right corner of the editor panel in Chrome.