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Cryogenic Bay

Hi Guys! I decided its finally time for me to post up an actual scene. I've posted a few props here and there but I've always been kind of nervous to post up more than that. I know that is the way to get better though, by getting feedback. Anyways, this is a cryogenic environment I've been working on in UDK. This is pretty much my first time with UDK.
Ceiling is just placeholder and will be replaced with another. A lot of textures are just base ones at the moment including the generator unit in the middle and the walkways. Also, just noticed that the floor panels on the second image there are floating. :)

Crits, suggestions comments appreciated :)




  • Klumpmeister
  • Carter
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    Carter polycounter lvl 12
    Looking like a solid start, is the ceiling going to be at that consistently high? Can imagine the core in centre to be twice as tall with the top floors partially visible through a gap in the ceiling where all the wires meet up - just an idea though not actually decent criticism.

    I'd make the materials on the metals and plastic more defined make them pop out individually and have a look at some Natural Selection 2 shots if you haven't already to give an idea of to proceed

  • chadabees
    @ Klump: Thanks man
    @ Carter: The ceiling is going to have some variation in height. I haven't quite decided how high I want to go with it in the middle though. I agree about giving the metal some variation to make it pop out.
    It's funny you suggest the NS2 concepts. I was partially inspired by the image with those plant chambers. :)
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Very nice start
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Looks awesome. I think you need to add some "stuff" to the ground. Right now its too clean. Make it look busy with some wires everywhere, or grates in the floor, or something interesting to break up the repeating tile.

    Dig the lighting.
  • chadabees
    @Blvd Thanks :)
    @gsokol I fully agree with you. I had plans for this just haven't gotten to that part yet. I was planning on adding some sort of hatch or some gratings as you suggested. Also making a few props to place around like a sci-fi cart next to the unit in the center which would carry some sort of compressed gas tanks, which would also be laying around.
    I'm actually surprised I'm getting some good responses with the lighting. Took me a while to get something I thought looked reasonable. I'm glad you guys are liking it.
  • itsmadman
    Looking good. Maybe more assets to add vereation to the scene. maybe more pipes. and some vapors that emit from the chambers. Make em feel cold. In fact vapors probably should consume the floor. And the middle part connects with the wall and the floor feels too...blah. A hole in ceiling with pipes spokeing out would work. This is from star craft(if u haven't seen it) check it out hopefully you will feel inspired
  • chadabees
    Madman you are in my head man! I originally planned to add like a dry icey looking fog to the floor and around the cryochambers. I was thinking of doing that as the last step because I really haven't done anything like fog or steam yet in UDK. It is definately something that I do want for this scene though and had thought out since the beginning. It's just a matter of figuring out how to make a fog that looks nice.

    I actually had that image you posted in my reference folder, because I was thinking about doing something like that for the ceiling. So, I agree with you there. Also, I totally agree more pipes more stuff! Thanks for the crits
  • itsmadman
    so the ceiling and floor is some what temporary you have more planed well i will subscribe and just wait to see what u do with it

    good luck
  • kdm3d
    I got a pizza here for I.C. Weiner?

  • chadabees
    Haha, when I was looking for refs that actually came up when I search cryotube :D
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I'd say that the room right now looks too boxy, and being sci-fi you could get a lot more detail in there. I really like the thing you have in the middle and the lighting you got going on, but you might want to reconsider doing something more epic. Play around with perspective more to give some more depth to your scene. :)
  • chadabees
    I see where you're coming from. I'm in the process of opening up the ceiling and making some more detailed stuff,wires and crap coming down to tie into the middle unit. Thanks for the advice and comments.
  • chadabees

    Update on this scene.

    I got busy with some freelance stuff for a while, but I finally got a chance to work on this again. I made some huge changes to the layout of the scene and added lots of stuff. There is still more to do such as replacing the lights down at the bottom with new models. I am still tweaking the lighting and there are a few textures around the ceiling inset that need to be swapped out as they are just placeholder. Also, I need to finish the texture on the middle unit and put a proper spec on it.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12
    Whoa, that's a great update. I like the new lighting and I really like how you have gotten rid of that annoying noise in your textures.

    Some suggestions:

    - AO still feels a bit too strong

    - those wall panels (?) could use some love

    - the scene could benefit from a more interesting composition

    - I second what people were saying about the scene feeling a bit boxy. I think it's no longer such a big issue, but those things hanging from the ceiling could have a more interesting shape

    Anyways, it's still early so I'm sure you would work on those things anyway. Keep on cracking! :)
  • rambooze
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    rambooze polycounter lvl 7
    Wow. Cool stuff! This is UDK right?
  • bgoodsell
    That red area on the center console keeps bugging me. The texture looks warped or bowed in both screenshots as all the hexagons or whatever feel like they should line up straight. Your stepped ceilings could also use a little work, as the tile texture seems to just feel out of place running right to the edge like that. Otherwise the bulk of the scene is looking really nice.
  • chadabees

    @Teaandcigarettes I'll see what I can do about the AO. This is the first scene I've lit using UDK so I'm still trying to figure out what things to tweak to get the best results. I agree with you on the plainness of the panels in the front. I'll add something more interesting to them. As far as the pillars around the ceiling, I'll see what I can do to change up the shape and throw some curves in there.

    @Rambooze Correct, it is UDK.

    @Bgoodsell I see what you are talking about with the hexagons. I'll take a look at that. I'm still dealing with the ceilings. Some of those textures are being replaced and I'll deal with some sort of connection between them.

    Thanks for the advice guys!
  • chadabees
    Working on a new panel tonight. Still have some more to do.
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    I really like where this scene is going. The only thing that I don't like is the ceiling. The floor already has a tiling square texture, and if you have something similar on the ceiling it just doesn't show variation. I would experiment with putting pipes up there or structural lines just to break things up. Other than that I think this is really coming along well!
  • chadabees

    Got a new light baked to replace the placeholder one down in the pit.

    Redone ceiling textures incoming soon.
  • Ack Master
    Nice, i like the scene. :) you got some good stuff in that room :) keep it up
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