This could've just gone in the WAYWO thread I guess, but what the hell, I'll create a thread for a change.
I made this low poly sword, heavily inspired by the artwork in WoW, and to the same style.

The concept i had sketched ages ago, i finally decided to turn it into a model

And an up right shot for good measure:

Let me know what you think, I had a lot of fun making this, heh.

I was also recording a video of me texturing it but I forgot to unpause it at one point and went way ahead, making the whole thing pretty pointless... It was coming along nicely too... Oh well.
This is awesome
nice texturing as always dude. wish that texturing video existed.
The one thing that kinda bothers me is that you've got some really nice complimentary curves happening throughout the entirety of the blade, then the handle is so straight in comparison. Even some very subtle curvature could really help the design flow a little better from blade to hilt.
Other than that, simply beautiful work.
been so long since i played WOW
awesome sword, i love the effect of the glowing bit (cross guard?)
I love the paint stroke gradations you have going down the blade. Really ace. Got a question. Do you paint at actual res or do you downscale from a higher res?
most beautiful thing ive seen in a long time. make more threads so your stuff doesnt get lost in the waywo thread!
Enjoy your work Fletcher, have for a while
I cant find your tutorials, can you post a link? thx
Looks good Fletcher if I had one nitpick its to me it feels to saturated maybe, could possibly be the background or something. Its almost like the viewport is foggy or something and im not getting the full clarity as I should of the model and texture.
Like if you look at the swords from Ulduar and I know your a big wow raider so Im sure you have they still have a little generic spec to them not like a real spec map more like a gloss map to add some "shine".
Overall man great work as usual Very inspiring to watch you paint these textures. Did you ever do a tutorial or video on your process? If not you should
I for one hope next time your recording goes a little better because I would love to see you texturing something
the only thing i "dislike" is that you really can't make up what material this sword would be made of. I also don't see much volume in the handle because of the lack of any specularity painted into the texture but that could be an artistic choice .
that being said , awesome job on this one (and all your portfolio pieces
Also, I'm a big fan of that name. 'Infernus' So kick-ass.
Some says that he just opens photoshop, and shakes his harddrive..
Always amazing to see your work.
@ sampson, Thanks, here's a spin around, hopefully that shows whatever angle good enough:
@ danshewan, Yeah looking at it now I agree, I will squeeze in the middle of the hilt so it is curved. Thanks.
@ JimeeB, Thanks, yeah the inner bits aren't very detailed, but the gap is quite thin and I wasn't really sure what to do down the middle. I will probably make some glowing decal.
@ HandSandwich, Thanks, i always draw at full scale, I find down scaling just blurs out details, for a lot of this I was zoomed in with like a 1-3px brush
@ Vig, Thanks, haha, I shook off the habit of using a mouse shortly after getting my tablet. I tried a while back but I just can't use my mouse anymore.
@ FreshDumbledore, Contrary to what some have said I don't think I've made any half decent tutorials. I made a short step by step pic for a painted brick but looking back I think it turned out pretty bad, haha (You can find it by searching for my posts on this forum). Tutorials for this kind of stuff is definitely something I want to do, because I love the style in general and creating these types of textures.
@ Aftermath, Yeah I see what you mean, I might adjust some highlights and shadows for a better contrast, thank you! Also yeah I want to create a video and i almost did it this time if it weren't for me forgetting to unpause the recording. (lol)
@ Nick Carver, Heh, yeah i can see how you'd imagine that, the concept was very 'thorny' and insect like, although I chose in a bit of a different direction with the model. Thanks.
@ Ravenslayer, I see, thanks for the crit, I like the overall matte look, although your point is valid, i should try to add more specular shine to the metals.
@ Taylor Hood, Hah, thanks, yeah I found making up a cool name can be a nice little inspirational drive, saves me from thinking I am creating 2H_Sword_012_A
@ SHEPEIRO, I see what you mean, I will remember this for future symmetrical pieces, thanks.
@ catstyle, Thanks, yeah its something I will probably do in the near future.
@ Lazerus Reborn, Thank you, I'm glad that I have motivated another human being in some way, hehe.
Thanks everyone for your comments, I'm glad you like it and I really appreciate the crit!
*inspiration folder!*