Photoshop now displays each open image separately in the task bar as if each image is a program, my whole task bar is now jacked up with photoshop images as soon as I start working. Anyway around this seems like a terrible feature, I don't like the photoshop tabs feature so please don't suggest that.
yeah I don't like that neither it mess up my workspace, because I am used to cs3, when you maximize a window tab it does it within photoshop and not fullscreen independently like cs5,..
you need to drag them into the tab bar within Photoshop and then they will be treated as PS internal tabs or documents and not show up anymore in the task bar.
I assume that Adobe is experimenting a bit with CS5 in regards of OS integration.
Yeah it's under preferences> interface> turn off open documents as tabs and turn off floating document window docking then it is just like cs3 and you can tell what you're doing with multiple images open.
Why do they turn on annoying features like that by default ? Better to leave them off so that no one gets comfused, and then noobs can turn them on when they want to show off ...
on a sidenote: I noticed that in CS5 the shortcut [Backspace] changed from filling with the background color to content aware filling (I guess that needed a prominent space). The new background filling shortcut is now [Ctrl]+[Backspace]
Hey a pretty good work around for this annoying issue in CS5 and CS6.
Install the program below then open photoshop, launch the inspector part of the program bottom right of the interface, right click the weird text above photoshop and choose group always. Back to the way it should be.
I assume that Adobe is experimenting a bit with CS5 in regards of OS integration.
CS3 forever
Install the program below then open photoshop, launch the inspector part of the program bottom right of the interface, right click the weird text above photoshop and choose group always. Back to the way it should be.
right click on the windows bar > properties