Not digging the black lining around the characters as its not around anything else in the game. Dont see the need for it, think it would look better without it.
Not digging the black lining around the characters as its not around anything else in the game. Dont see the need for it, think it would look better without it.
Either way everything looks pretty slick.
This. It always bothers me when games do that, cause it looks like two styles that, while are nice on their own, battle each other and hurt the overall image. Also, it reminds me of old cartoons like Scooby-Doo when you see the clear difference of style between the animator and background painter and it totally gives away that the bookcase is about to move.
Reminds me a bit of Global Agenda meets Borderlands but looks sexier than both. Doubt ill play it with now im stuck into SC2 though T_T
That being said though, Tribes was one of the games i always wanted to get into but couldnt due to being on a 56k at the time... such an awesome teamgame.
As a tribes fan this is very appealing! Kinda like tribes meets WOW, could be horribly addicting! I wish the videos had more over the top jetpack use but i can see how complicated controls would alienate the mass market, maybe at high levels?
I'll second what others have said about the black line around the characters, seems like a cop-out to try to make the characters more interesting. Though i really like the armor style the characters themselves need *something* to make them a bit more unique. The current skin materials just don't have enough pop and the armor's really overshadowing them. Better hair materials and animations would go a long way too.
I'm on vacation in puerto Rico on my phone right now, but this is what I've been working on at liquid for the lastfew months and the reason I'm partying so hard right now in pr. I'm glad to see alot of the stuff I worked on ( and help fix up) was shown on the big screen great job all you guys here who worked with me on this project. (especiallybrad since he got ablood cloth in the process of helping!! Haha)
Does anyone know if this will be a PC game? *stares at Seforin*
Update: Scratch that, I see it will be a Windows ONLY game. So, next question, will it be modible? I really hope so, but based on the business model, I somehow doubt it will be (which is sort of a deal killer for me)
ive been working on this for about 4 years now, so glad we can finally talk about it!
liquids stuff was pretty badass i must say.
to crazyfingers the jumpjets are just average level and will be upgradeable.
and to notman, dont quote me on anything because i could be wrong:D i dont think its suppose to be moddable?
Very cool. The opening of the gameplay movie was alright, got a little slow when they were killing bugs, but then the transport ship flyaround definitely had my jaw on the floor. What an awesome seamless world. Big open seamless multiplayer persistent world plus FPS is a combination that is ripe for the picking.
I played the PVP on GamesCom and was pretty surprised! It felt like a shooter and i got immediately into the game. Normally i don't like these MMO's and need a lot time to get the controls and stuff.
The art and design on everything is freaking amazing. You guys did a great job. The scale was great too. I wasn't expecting much here, but man it looks like it's gonna be another game I have to buy
It won't be modable... at least not initially - I've heard no plans either way on this so I could very well be wrong. It's enough for us to launch it for free and hope people want to purchase items and such in-game. If they don't, well then... I prefer not to think of what that means. =]
Jeremy: It's free to play. Feel free to send money anyway though. =]
From what I see, to this point, it's an amazing game. I'm sure they will have a cash shop type system, because I wouldn't mind helping out the company.
Maybe someone from the company can answer this question for me?
-Are you guys going to keep using that "offset engine", or something more commercial?
I would love to see what this engine can do to compete graphically with upcoming games.
Playing the beta, and loving it! The art style is so refreshing, so pretty. Monster designs are fresh, the combat is fun, weapons look and shoot great, the sound is awesome. Some rough edges here and there in the game mechanics, but it's all basically there and working. Good work guys!
Gameplay looks nice, great idea in the resource collector attracting baddies, kinda like HL2, but the opposite. That outlines gotta go though... And almost all of the animations need some SERIOUS love...
So it's essentially a mixture of Tribes and Borderlands, with a dash of Half-Life, and pinch of Starcraft?
Not bad, I'm just wondering the more intricate elements, and if the game is zoned, instanced, or not, and how the PVP and PVE elements in a more 'FPS' like game are employed.
Looked up on google but couldn't find a video that had all those information
I would also like to get in on this beta, really like the way the game is looking. Some of the concept artwork on their forums isn't bad either at least 1 guys art is decent, he's made quite a few characters already.
Good jobs guys, those of you who worked on this!
Thanks for sharing.
I feel great that this is the first ever game I've worked with it!! :poly121:
Update: I hope it's modible and for the PC (of course), because if so, I just wet myself
Not digging the black lining around the characters as its not around anything else in the game. Dont see the need for it, think it would look better without it.
Either way everything looks pretty slick.
My first thought exactly.
Looks awesome guys, looking forward to seeing more.
Yeah, I second that the outline on the weapons/characters looks very strange, its like the players character isnt part of the game world?
Agree with the outlining.
and second, if they did just sculpt the whole thing how big can the world be?
p.s. i would also ditch the black outlines.. totally not needed. the terrains really stood out to me as awesome though.
This. It always bothers me when games do that, cause it looks like two styles that, while are nice on their own, battle each other and hurt the overall image. Also, it reminds me of old cartoons like Scooby-Doo when you see the clear difference of style between the animator and background painter and it totally gives away that the bookcase is about to move.
That being said though, Tribes was one of the games i always wanted to get into but couldnt due to being on a 56k at the time... such an awesome teamgame.
I'll second what others have said about the black line around the characters, seems like a cop-out to try to make the characters more interesting. Though i really like the armor style the characters themselves need *something* to make them a bit more unique. The current skin materials just don't have enough pop and the armor's really overshadowing them. Better hair materials and animations would go a long way too.
Definitely keepin an eye on this one.
It looks very nice, and for free?
Awesome work, guys!
Update: Scratch that, I see it will be a Windows ONLY game. So, next question, will it be modible? I really hope so, but based on the business model, I somehow doubt it will be
liquids stuff was pretty badass i must say.
to crazyfingers the jumpjets are just average level and will be upgradeable.
and to notman, dont quote me on anything because i could be wrong:D i dont think its suppose to be moddable?
Awesome cinematic intro too good job Red5.
Oh how I wait here silently checking my email for a beta invite *glances at a distance, thinking about 55joe, then looks away quickly*.
Game looks fun, I did a ton of stuff on this project so well see whats up when its out. Be fun to see some of the zones I worked on.
Will of course check Firefall out when it'S out!
It looks like they might be using the outlines to pop the characters so they are not lost in the environment? just a guess..
Jeremy: It's free to play. Feel free to send money anyway though. =]
From what I see, to this point, it's an amazing game. I'm sure they will have a cash shop type system, because I wouldn't mind helping out the company.
Maybe someone from the company can answer this question for me?
-Are you guys going to keep using that "offset engine", or something more commercial?
I would love to see what this engine can do to compete graphically with upcoming games.
...also I worked on it as a freelancer
Gameplay looks nice, great idea in the resource collector attracting baddies, kinda like HL2, but the opposite. That outlines gotta go though... And almost all of the animations need some SERIOUS love...
Not bad, I'm just wondering the more intricate elements, and if the game is zoned, instanced, or not, and how the PVP and PVE elements in a more 'FPS' like game are employed.
Looked up on google but couldn't find a video that had all those information
I would also like to get in on this beta, really like the way the game is looking. Some of the concept artwork on their forums isn't bad either at least 1 guys art is decent, he's made quite a few characters already.
Good jobs guys, those of you who worked on this!
Thanks for sharing.