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Master Man Of Justice Art

Hi i am MasterManOfJustice , im coming over from thegamecreators , most people dont feel like typing my name so they just say MMOJ, or Master. Which is ironic because im no master. I come here with limited 3d skills (for right now) and i hope to learn from alot of great modelers i've seen on here :)

Thanks Mike5424 and gibson543 for pointing me to this site.

I am going to start off by posting an anvil i am working on for a scene im creating.
I just started using blender 2 days ago and previously used anim8or which is bad for advanced modeling which is the reason for switching.
I am still getting used to edge loops and subsurfing, and am aspiring to do my first high poly to low poly normal bake :)
High poly is 5,888 polys
Low is 235 polys
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