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[WIP] Grandpa Scarface

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Polygoblin polycounter
I will be creating an older version of "Scarface" from the Batman series for the Comicon Challenge 2010. This character always was one of my favorite villains as a kid, and I will enjoy modeling [them] quite a bit ;) I'm posting here to hopefully get the feedback I will need to be competitive.

The general theme for my entry will be "The Age-less Power of Evil". I want to demonstrate the lasting power of evil by showing their fragile and weak bodies struggle to maintain, while the soul(s) inside remain just as twisted and powerful as ever!

I intend for Arnold Wesker (the Ventriloquist) to be a corpse, a few months past death. He will have demonic life-support machines keeping his body animated, while his posture and facial expressions remain lifeless. He will be in a constant state of decomposition, which Scarface has managed to deter (amazingly) with science and machinery. Somehow the two still present an impressive opposition for do-gooders.

Scarface (who some see as the TRUE puppeteer) will also be in a state of disrepair. His decomposition will be less organic, but will be taking just as much as a toll on his physical state as Arnold's.
I'd love to hear any recommendations or suggestions from you guys :)


Since my pencil skills are a little weak, I will be modeling heavily from photo reference. As you can see from above, I will be basing Wesker on the late Peter Boyle.

Sculpting Hi Res Meshes:
C&C is always appreciated :)
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