So I've been working on this car for a few days now. Trying to create something nice for my portfolio. Right now I'm at tweaking the model and texturing the chassi.
I've used a bit more polys than I originally intended to try to bring out the round shapes better than a normal would have done. (I think)
Details still missing are:
vents on the sides
front grill
window wipers
might do interior at a later stage.
The car textures are at 2x 2048 (diffuse and spec) and the tires have 3x 512 (diffuse, normal and spec)
Was planing to make one clean version and one rusted and dirty.
Any crits are very welcome.
(This is the first time I try to create a car ^_^)

Here are some of the refs I have been using.

I highly recommend you check out Xoliuls Hot Rod Tutorial
The lack of high poly normal mapping is causing your textures to look really flat. Building these individual pieces force you to study the vehicle a lot more and really compare the aesthetics to the overall framework of the vehicle.
This is your first model, so it's a huge learning experience for you and good job on stepping up and presenting what you have on your plate. Keep pushing yourself and keep posting!
I've started to re-work the silhouette of the car to make it more like the original. I have to say it was not far off since i've been using a blueprint to model from.
About the texture I actually am working on it and the body is only one color. I thought I did write that in the original post but guess i missed that part.
So I know the texture needs a lot of work since it's "empty" on details.
Thanks for the tutorial tip I'll check it out a bit later. Think I've seen it before but it was a while ago.
And it's only my first car not my first model at all. ^_^
Going to post more pics of the new and improved ford later this weekend.
Blueprints are almost never accurate on their own. Always take blueprints with a grain of salt and heavily rely on photo references.
Well, it's not showing, because the model as you posted it is way way off.
till WIP and black parts are untextured.
UVlayout on the chassi (resized for better view):
You REALLY need to work on looking at refs and comparing them to your model.
Here are some pics for reference:
Btw I have not worked on the front grill yet so it's to be made later same with the windows^_^
Here is a update on the car from yesterday. Texture is not final just wip.
Yes its mirrored both in the back, front and sides. The front and sides aint that noticeable in my own thought. But the rear window is under work ^_^ Thanks for the comment.
Also, the texture on the grill is really weird. You have some of the lines coming out of others, and going off at weird angles. They should all be parallel, running from the bottom to the top.
I think you made a big mistake modeling it all out as one contiguous mesh. The doors don't look like they are separate objects. You're also missing some of the subtle details
I think you have enough polygons there that you could optimize it heavily without effecting the overall shape and create a fairly low poly version of the interior. You should definitely round out the grill its after all it is a signature piece of the car, at the bare minimum you should address the stretching.
Thanks for your comment.
Yes, I started out with the humpback version of the Tudor but changed my mind. While the rest of the car is looking the same on both the regular and humpback I keept the refs.
I have planned to make a low poly interior for it and making the windows transparent after interior is made.
The grill is also on my to do list right now its to blocky and wide since I have not really put any work in on the grill yet.
I actually started out with the hood, fenders, tires and details as separate objects and the rest of the car as a object. Since this is the first time I try to create a car I learn along the way. Next time I try on a car I believe it's going to be much less fuzz getting it ready.
Well there is still work to do on this car so I better get to it ^_^