Teaming up with dayofamalia on IT HER0ES, a comedic beat-em-up set in the nefarious world of corporate IT.
Environment is a highrise office, modern with a hint of retro and future-tech. The current art direction is comic book, lots of nice bold shapes and colors. Heavily inspired by the Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (which we play quite a bit) Tons of gamer and computer geek culture references throughout. We're currently fleshing out a simple and silly back story revolving around workers turned zombies during some mandatory overtime. Keyboards become swords, mice become flails, and CD-R's become shurikens...
Our challenges are many!
- First time collaborating on this type of project
- We plan to utilize Torque3D, which is still in beta.
- I have not seriously attempted real-time 3D since before normal maps were introduced!
- dayofamalia is completely new to design for games.
- Sticking to environment design without going on a character tangent.
- Slowing down the brainstorming long enough to start real work.
- Go beyond the contest and make it a working prototype by years end.
First wave of brain-dumps coming soon.
A quick photo reference sheet.