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Old Pimpage

polycounter lvl 18
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evilblah polycounter lvl 18
Hey all,

Here is some old stuff I did for the World Series of Poker game I worked on. I wanted to get this stuff up here so I could start participating in these forums more! I will be posting new stuff soon but I'm locked down by my employer for a little while longer. =)

Enjoy and even though the game is out, I always like hearing feed back and crits! Thanks everyone!


Caesar's Palace


An Executive Office (Mafia Style)



A Garage



And Lastly some chairs...


  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Images are pretty small and JPEG compression is very poor on these renders :(

    Solid work nonetheless; what kind of technical budgets did you have for these environments?
  • evilblah
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    evilblah polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Paul!

    Yeah, I had originally put the images together for a small bit on the companies site...

    As far as budget, the original environments were created for PS3 and x360 with a 100,000 poly count limit on Caesars Palace and anywhere from 50-75,000 polys for the non-casino environments. We never really got that high because our turn around time had to be quick. The executive office (mafia enviro), a conference room, and a library (that my buddy built) had a 3 day turn around!

    As far as texture sizes we had to stay within 512x512. Most of the environment was cut into sections as well so that the pieces not on camera were not rendered. Anything that was welded together, even if it was not in scene was still computed. So most of this stuff is cut up like crazy.

    After we built for next gen we had to downgrade everything to PS2, XBox, and then finally PSP.

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