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Wedding Gift Project - it's not a normal gift >.>

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BlazeF triangle
Heya guys!

So my little brother recently got married and for his wedding I decided I'd take it upon myself to either give him $100 for his honeymoon OR I get a 2fer goin on by giving him a movie poster of himself and his new wife while also helping create some portfolio work. :)

Basically, create a bunch of highpoly sculpts, retopo for lower poly characters and make them game ready, environments done, props etc then take that into photoshop for some finishing touches, printed and sent.

I've got an idea in my head for this, it's gotta be outrageous, corny, badass and kinda make you laugh. Hmmm, B-Movie, Zombie apocalypse in Los Angeles... 20 years in the future. On Mars? Nah... not mars.

He and his wife side by side or back to back, guns blazing at oncoming zombies.

Setting should be at dawn-ish downtown LA. Smog layer should really show up and thus be pushing for a pretty thick atmosphere.

Light to the back and light emitted from guns. Bounce light allows enough illumination for the characters. Zombies in foreground, missing limbs. Might throw a crowd of zombies in the background to give that hopeless feeling.

Buildings a bit wrecked, overgrown bushes/vines


I pitched the idea to my friend Josh to help with environments; allowing him to also complete some portfolio work.

So from this quick sketch a rough idea was formed on what to do. We decided to split the work based on our preferences.


- Character Models: Brother, Wife, 3 zombie models (I'd like to get good with zombies for some reason >.>
- Props: Guns, Wrecked car, fire hydrant, trash etc


- Environment Design: Buildings, Trees, bushes etc
- Lighting
- Props: Guns, Wrecked car, fire hydrant, trash etc

Thus far we've been blocking out some ideas. I think we're both really looking to get as perfect with this as possible and learn a lot from the whole experience. We're hoping that we can get some strong direction, suggestions or anything that'd help.

I know I'll be asking questions every now and then :)


Josh got a quick setup on the building, street placement and rough angle of the shot.


This is the exaggerated build I'm giving my brother. Just retarded ripped superhero type body. I'm more or less going from the ground up here, I know a lot of this geometry is goin byebye :)


Some silhouette work, trying to get an idea of how weird or cool I want to go haha. I really can't decide. If you have a preference to some let me know... but yeah just kinda messing around with some rough ideas.

Anyway, that's about all I have, I'll be posting progress shots over the next couple months.


  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Hah, interesting idea indeed. I don't get why you'll trouble yourself with making these game ready if the end result is going to be a print.
  • Bumper
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    Bumper polycounter lvl 9
    Hah, interesting idea indeed. I don't get why you'll trouble yourself with making these game ready if the end result is going to be a print.

    A cool poster for his brother that will double as some portfolio material. I find that cranking out portfolio work on your own time can be like pulling teeth unless you're into what your doing. I think he's killing two birds with one stone.
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Got through some of the rifle silhouettes tonight. I think tomorrow I"m going to get the base of the female done and block her out a little bit.


    Anything in particular stand out for these right now?

    Personally for the male, I'm leaning toward B. And I really want to make F and D rifles haha
  • woogity
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    cool idea man! i really dig your last rifle concept, but the forward grip is way too far back for it to be balanced i think, also kinda awkward with the mag right on the back of your hand, i dont know much about guns tho, just an outsider's perspective, move that grip and I would choose that one for sure!.
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Ah thanks! That's a really good point. I went ahead and corrected that. Def looks better.

    ediT: Talk to my ex-military co-workers... looks like I have a lotta changes to make >.>
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Small update.

    Concepting out sil B here. I'm kinda digging where this character is going. I don't want it to be too far into the future or anything... just like, 10, 15 years?


    -removed image
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    $100 bucks? Cheap Bas...!! lol jk.

    Danm, man, this is turning out pretty hardcore! Im gonna keep an eye on this project.
  • BlazeF
    Offline / Send Message
    BlazeF triangle
    lol! Hey! I'm not working as a 3D artist yet!
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    I love the idea man. I would definitely do something like this one day when I can pull it off. It will be probably be one of the best gifts :) Good luck
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Update on the character sheet. I'm going to really turn on the heat now. Should start building and sculpting everything out tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't take too long :)

  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Quick lil' update. Had to take a break this weekend, got to do some cool stuff. Saw Serenity in theaters again and saw Ron Glass. Good times :)

    Anyway, started some sculpting on the character, boots and pants so far. I'm kinda just roughing some of the stuff in right now and trying to get a good general feel for the model.

    Goin with a little updated strap system. I think I want to have the ends of these things hooked into it so they wouldn't be flopping around when he runs.
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    kk, sorry guys.

    I have some progress here... >.> Anyway, I was having a lot of issues with doing each piece in ZBrush, then Max, then Zbrush... so I decided to build out everything I needed in Max first then get it over to ZBrush.

    Just going to show some of the wires for the character thus far... I swear I've been seeing this army/military character in like 10 different other active threads across the interwebs.

    Anyway this is what I got thus far. Going to comp a few pieces for the thread.


    And here are a couple shots of what JStrey got done. Fortunately and unfortunately JStrey got an art test so he's hard at work on that :)



    If you have any feedback at this point, it'd be great to hear :)
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    WOW you work fast LOL and the work is amazing :P i hope this turns out great!!
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Haha What a present! I would love something like this. Keep up the great work man!
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    thats one heck of a present. nice
  • BlazeF
    Offline / Send Message
    BlazeF triangle
    One more upload on progress.

    I'm getting some artifacting in the render, geh! Gotta figure out what's up.

    Here's the current wires. Starting work on the minigun.

    Huge shift change for me... swinging forward 11 hours ~_~ Hope I adjust soon.
  • BlazeF
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    BlazeF triangle
    Update on the minigun. Blocking everything in for it right now, teching it out a little bit, but not too far.

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