Long time listener, first time posting.
Has anyone gotten consistent static mesh export results with smoothing and materials assignments from Maya 2011 to UDK using FBX?
If so, what are you doing to achieve this?
ActorX is not available yet for Maya 2011, do folks have an alternative export path? That does not involve Max, Blender ... looking for another ASE script or something like that.
Thanks for your time,
I also noticed you fave'd this plugin on creative crash (I swear I am not stalking you.) ... did that help?
Always killed history. It just happened (posted on the UDK thread a while ago).
I just exported and brought back in when it happened. It could be a FUBAR'ed node.
I never got around to installing it, was looking for a way to batch export ASE from Maya, then I moved on to FBX.
If that's not you stalking me, then who is that in the van across the street?