Hi There,
This is my Thread for the Upcoming Challenge.
Thats the plan:
- Jungle Theme with a Temple and such stuff (Aztec Style)
- Program: Hammer for Source Games. Not a Bombastic Graphic Style, but playable on low Systems too
Things to do first:
- Sketch up the whole Szene. Looking over some of the old Sidescroller to get Ideas.
- Building hut's and stuff like "Head-on-Spear" for Source
- First time i participate on such a Challenge, so i have to learn a lot.
- I don´t know why, but my UDK won´t let me install it. So, i have to work with a known Program. So, it will be source. Maybe in Left4Dead2 Style. Maybe in TF2 Style, i dunno.
- I can build up things in Hammer with existing stuff. Doesn´t have build own things yet for Hammer. So i have to learn how to build stuff and import it there.
So, I will start sketching now. Good Luck all other Participants
Greetings, pr1mus
anyway good luck!
(you could possibly try buying ut3 - cause its real cheap and it has the original UnrealEd in it...)
Doh! Didn´t realize that there are so many Smilies in my post.
Hm, i have ut3. Bought it over Steam. Editor doesn´t install properly
@arun: Thanks
good luck
Best of luck on the challenge.
I like the Colors of the jungle, but the Huts give me brainache xD
Hum, the attachment won´t work correctly